This has been on my heart for a long time. You know when something is a bothering you, and you cannot really name the problem until that “light bulb moment,” and then it becomes apparent. One of my biggest struggles with my children is to instill in them where their righteousness comes from. I mean come on, this is hard for me as an adult to remember and took me a long time to “get it.”
Our culture today compounds this battle. It is telling our children that their worth, their value and their success as a person are based on their performance. This may be performance in a classroom, on a football, or baseball field, a basketball court, a dance team, cheer squad, etc…
We as adults, whether it be in a parent, teacher or coach roles, may not be directly telling our children this, but as I witnessed this more than once this week, some are. Regardless the case, self worth based on performance, if not being taught, it is at the very least being “caught.” This sets kids up with the idea that life is totally dependent on them, and that is a dangerous thing because when they fail, and they will, then what??
As parents we must take a stand against this performance based righteousness. It is all around us, and our culture is keeping it keenly reinforced in our children’s minds. I pray we can help children see their worth and their righteousness is completely secured and sealed in the blood of a Savior who does not look at report cards, game stats, wins or losses, making the squad, the team… It is a battle! I am in it myself! We must fight back against what they are being taught, or caught, and continue to be the voice of truth in their impressionable ears-IT IS FINISHED!