Let Us Build One Another Up

My heart has been so encouraged this week by the kindness of friends, both old and new. I love connecting with women. We are all more alike than different, and when we can come together under no pretense, let the walls down and remove the masks, beautiful things bloom.

We discover that we are not alone!

We are encouraged.

We are heard.

We are seen.

We are renewed and strengthened.

The older I get, the smaller my “circle” becomes, but that is not a bad thing. Some friends are curious, and some friends care. I would rather have two who care than fifty who are curious.

To care for one another means not merely being the giver. I believe as women we are more comfortable contributing and doing than we are receiving.

God has been layering a verse in Paul’s letter to the Romans over me. In verse 1:12 Paul explains one of his intentions for visiting Rome is not just to encourage them, but also to be encouraged by them. If the Apostle Paul needed encouragement, surely we do, as well.

I am intentionally practicing a posture of humble gratitude in the presence of the offerings of others.

In the past, I have shunned away from a compliment. I would much rather tell you why I am not (blank) or why I don’t deserve (blank) than merely to practice accepting encouragement with a humble and thankful heart.

These flowers this week have been reminders to me that my role is two-fold, to build others up in the faith, but also to let them support me as well. I don’t want to deny anyone the privilege of being a blessing, but I have done it often when I have not accepted help or have deflected affirmations. I have to practice more things than perfect them as difficult as that is to admit, but such freedom and joy comes in the surrendering of deflection.

Once the Lord is done getting his point across, He ALWAYS gives me the opportunity to apply His lesson, as evidenced by all the flowers. He is so kind to be attentive in that way.

May I encourage you today?

Comment so I will know.  Also, feel free to email me here:  dannalundstrom@yahoo.com if you are not comfortable commenting.

Hebrews 10:24-25~  Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. 25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.