A Faith Outside of Circumstances: Day 4


We still don’t know how, or when, but we know Who!

Carter had a very rough evening with the emotional lability issues and pain. They finally calmed him with Meds in his IV.
His heart rate was low at points through the night so they have been giving him fluids and it is better. This is not surprising that he is dehydrated. He had a restful night, as well as Trevor and I.

I am flat scared about traveling with him like this, but I am truly not overwhelmed because I have seen God provide for us each step of the way. What has at times seemed like our greatest miserie, has turned out to be His protective hand of mercy. Our faith is not in our circumstances or the certainty of our plans, but truly in the One I cannot see, but definitely know, and have seen through the manifestations of His people. Our Father has been actively here with us the whole time and after all the miracles, and daily bread I have witnessed Him provide, I cannot have anything but great faith even in the unknown. I awoke to many sweet messages this morning, and God’s army was already working fervently on our behalf. Thank you all so very much! And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.~Philippians 4:19