It is Our Poverty That Makes Us Rich

Yesterday we took a boat to the British Virgin Islands.  I did not know much about the BVIs and was fully expecting nothing but beauty.  Once we reached the first island, we boarded an open-air taxi and headed for The Baths National Park.  We had to go through a small village to get there.  I was immediately shocked and impacted by the sights of poverty we were driving through.  There were signs and smells of depravity everywhere I turned. Residents sat outside to catch fleeting bursts of refreshing air because there was no air conditioning.  I felt like I was intruding into their small world as a privileged, undeserving sightseer as we drove by each “house.”

In those moments I felt an incongruence in my soul of extravagant gratitude for what I “have” and extreme grief for what they seemingly do not.  I wanted to hide from the sadness that was invading my heart, but I could not numb myself to it.  I wondered who these people were, and if they knew they were poor, or if this was just the way of life to them?   Were they happy or were they sad people who felt trapped in a world of destitution?  Mostly, I wondered, if they know Jesus?

I found myself wanting to close my eyes and not look because not seeing would have been easier, but I could not turn away because what is not seen cannot be known, and what is not known cannot be seen.

I went on our tour with a heavy torque gripping my heart.  We navigated through beautiful rock formations, caves and swam in beaches so pure and beautiful that it took my breath away.  Despite it all, I could not shake my heartache.

On the taxi ride back to the boat, we again passed through the small, indigent village that is now branded into my existence.  I was questioning The Lord, how can this be that there is so much poverty woven in the midst of all this untainted beauty?  How can these two things co-mingle?  Immediately a sobering reminder graced my struggling spirit.

 D’Anna, this is a picture of you.  You can dress up in your best smile, clothing, and accessories, surround yourself with desirable things, but underneath it all, and right in the midst is an impoverished heart that cannot be dressed up.  It is destitute, broken and in desperate need of a Savior every day.

Broken people, broken places, broken worlds; they may all present differently, but a common brokenness is indigenous to us all.  My awareness of the destitution of my own heart is my greatest asset.  It is when I realize just how poor I am, that I become rich. When I or my world becomes sufficient in my estimation, I am in trouble.

In this life wealth is most often judged by superficial appearances or numbers indicating monetary things that can disappear in the blink of an eye.  Regarding eternity, however, being rich is knowing that we are helpless to the presence of our splintered souls yet that is the avenue by which we find abundance from the sacrifices of a Savior, who longs to be in a relationship with our bankrupt souls.

On the ride back to the boat I paid closer attention to details throughout the small village.  I was very comforted by the presence of spiritual graffiti everywhere I turned.  There were bible verses right in plain sight that I did not see the first time because I was so blinded by the presentation of the land that I missed the presence of The Lord.

The hope I left with is this; life is often incongruent to my desire for everyone to be happy and comfortable.  Happy and comfortable are circumstantial frailties, not gospel actualities.  The people of The British Virgin Islands clearly understand that it is not what they have, but Who they have that makes their lives sufficient.  This side of Heaven, where there is beauty there will always be brokenness.  I tend to forget that so quickly.  Lord Jesus, may my wealth always be found in you alone.

Reflecting the Creator

This beautiful light housed in the heavens is surrounded by many areas of darkness. However, its brilliance is not disturbed. It reflects the beautiful character of its creator despite the turbulence surrounding it. We can do that, too, friends. We were all given this light to shine around us. Life sometimes gets difficult, and we are prone to let the darkness diminish our brilliance, but it does not have to be that way. We have a choice to make every day to reflect the character of our creator or the chaos of our circumstances. The decision is often difficult, but our choices make all the difference! John 1:5~ The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.

Let Us Not Forget

All over our country today, people will be celebrating with the customary Memorial Day traditions. Additionally, on this day of honor, there are moms, dads, wives, children, sisters, brothers and many more whose celebration will be spent clouded in heartache. The anguish of an empty chair, an absent smile or a missing laugh, because someone special never came home. In the midst of our celebrations, today let us not forget that all gave some, and some gave all. May The Lord Jesus bless our military heroes and their families who have fought for our liberty. No words adequately express my gratitude for your selfless service.    Greater love has no one than this that someone lay down his life for his friends. ~John 15:13

He is Here

In the morning, I rise from the womb of the night ready another day to carry my cross. My spirit not yet refreshed until with a single opening of the window I gaze to the heavens, and my eyes immediately find you there. You beckon, it is I. I am here. Get under my yoke today and walk with me. Two are better than one and I am much stronger. You were not created to bear your load alone. A hush settles over my heart, and my soul is soothed by your presence. Now I am ready to shine for You today!  Let you light be seen today, friends.  He is in the midst of every mess.

Not Your Faults but His Forgivness

Psst! You do not have to be perfect today, tomorrow or ever. It isn’t even possible. The more you recognize your shortcomings, the more you are growing in the grace of your Savior. Your freedom has nothing to do with your faults, but everything to do with His forgiveness!! May you find rest in that today, friends.

I Am Has Sent You


That dream you are still dreaming; the phone call you are still waiting to make; the application that is pending; that call of obedience you are silencing; why are you still putting it off?   Maybe fear of failure, unworthiness or inadequacy are hindering who you were made to be.  You continually find yourself asking, “who am I to do this?”   Moses asked that very question of, God.   The Lord replied, “I will be with you.”   After further doubt from Moses, The Lord says, “I Am Who I Am… tell them I Am has sent me.”   He is sending you, and He will be with you, friend.   He is calling you away from your hiding place to a higher place.   Stand under His promise and Follow Him!   There is no more time for delay.   Dust that fear off and dress up in the faith of The Lord and who He is in you.❤️

Daily Prayer


Lord Jesus, today help me be more concerned with being kind than being correct.  Give me the grace to live in the shade of eternity rather than the shadow of entitlement.  May the priority of my heart be mankind before me.  Keep me from falling into the trap of judgement.  Remind me that all dress in sin, and although mine may look different than my neighbors,  I am just as guilty!  May all reading this find refuge from the flesh in repentance and rest instead of shame and self condemnation.  Lastly, Lord embolden me to be less anxious about disturbing others with truth, myself included, than offending you with tolerance.  Amen.

Thoughtful Thoughts


On any given day we can be one wrong thought from falling apart.  We can choose to manage our minds or let our minds manage us.  Within every one of us is an ability to preach truth to ourselves.  We often do not have control over circumstances, but we can select how we view them.  Our thoughts and choice of perspective to fixate on the negative or focus on the positive makes all the difference.  It takes extraordinary faith to choose the high road where freedom abounds, but you my friend are a fighter.