Sometimes The Lord puts words or phrases on my heart, and I earnestly pray to seek and pursue them. The last couple of months the word has been obedience not to the world but the word. Sometimes my biggest problem is my eyes are focused more on myself and less on my Savior. Praying John 3:30 has been a powerful prescription for that! Self-preoccupation suffocates joy out of my soul. Lord give me a heart and hands obedient to You, not comfortable to me so that my earthly work may be of eternal worth. Amen. Have a good day friends!
Category: Uncategorized
Go Forth and Give
A wise person once said that in giving we receive. May I add that when we receive we are inspired to give. When our hearts are full, they overflow and spread. We have received the most valuable gift; a secure today in the face of an unsure tomorrow. A Savior was born and because we have received much let us go forth and give much.
Falling At the Feet of Jesus
One of the most endearing things about our dog, Paisley, is a ritual she has had since the day we got her. She prances up to you and falls to her back in the most relaxed and vulnerable state of rest.
What we quickly learned is that Paisley does this entirely trusting a belly rub is in store for her. She has no doubt just complete confidence.
For a time, she would do this to everyone who entered our house. It became an idiosyncrasy that we always felt needed explanation. As someone walks in our door, having a puppy garner their attention only to fall at their feet in an utterly defenseless posture waiting for the one thing she desired the most. Well, ok, maybe second to treats, but who doesn’t love sweets!
After time passed and Paisley matured, she no longer greeted guests this way; only us. The people closest to her and that she was sure she could trust. You see, she learned to fear, and she experienced rejection and I would say she learned a bit of wisdom. Warm, welcoming hands are not found everywhere.
Her behavior has taught and continues to teach me a great lesson every day. Do I come humbly, fully expectant, entirely trusting, in a helpless, vulnerable posture and fall at the feet of Jesus every day waiting for the one thing I desire most? The one thing I cannot do for myself. The one thing that satisfies my soul. The one and the only thing that gives rest to my riddled heart. Maybe I do sometimes, but sometimes, even though I have learned fear and rejection, too, I still plant myself in susceptible situations expecting to find what I can only gain through One person-Jesus. The person who knows loves and protects me better than anyone. This is a lesson Paisley renews for me daily.
Sometimes the truth must fracture me before it frees me. I love the faithfulness of my Father to use every medium, even a small puppy, to teach me His character and what it means to be His daughter.
Broken Places are Where The Light Shines Through

The truth is in one way or another, everyone is defined by their wounds, but not everyone is dictated by them. The importance is, do they refine you or undermine you? Pain can be poised for abundant goodness, by the avenue we choose to unpack, process and purpose it. No dirt road was ever singularly traveled. Don’t be shackled by your story. Define the fruit of its fire and set it free to sacredly chisel you, and sweetly comfort a friend. It is from that which we cannot control or wrestle in our sturdiness that we find the true Source of our strength. 2 Corinthians 1:4~ He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. 2 Corinthians 12:9~ Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” Be encouraged friends. Broken places are where the light shines through.
Give Me Presence Not Plans, Lord
We are a world of Martha’s, Lord. May I serve with and be surrounded by hearts like Mary. Let me not be captive to responsibilities but concerned by relationships. May I be present with people and not preoccupied with plans because if today never matures into tomorrow, it will not be productivity but presence that mattered. Amen.
My Grown Up Christmas List
Dear Jesus,
My Christmas wish list is not filled with things money can buy, rather with precious, eternal things that only You can help thrive. When I was a child Santa Claus and gifts were the magic of the season; now it is about growing in my relationship with you that I see Christmases eternal reason. I have a Christmas wish list from me to You. It is simple, yet difficult and something only you can shepherd me through. They are things this world can not satisfy, only You in me can I rely. I do not ask for a perfect marriage but a peaceful one. I am not asking for saints as children, but growing sinners who repent and know they are forgiven. I do not wish for a sin free home, but one where a simple I am sorry I was wrong sets the tone. I ask not for a life that is pain-free, but one that reflects You in me no matter what my circumstances may be. In the world where suffering has no prejudice, I ask that you enable me to be a beacon of your message. Through pain, great platforms are born. Equip me to impact those watching who desperately need hope in the One person where hearts are transformed. Thank you, Jesus, for all my blessings, the beautiful and the broken, because it is all of them that create opportunities for Your truth to be spoken. If any of these requests, Jesus, cannot be, it is ok because it is only Your will that I desire be. Thank you, Jesus, for dying for me.
A Gentle and Quiet Heart
When I am neglectful of my quiet time, the first place it shows up is in my negligence with others. Luke 6:26~Her mouth speaks from that which fills her heart. It is so important for me to evaluate the contents of my heart daily. When I fail to do this, I am susceptible to an unsettled and unkind heart. Just a few things that prevent a gentle and quiet heart for me are fear, anxiety, worry, control (which are all unbelief), anger, unforgiveness, unconfessed sin, fatigue, and lastly a need for people to understand me. These are all explanations but must never be excuses.
Father, my heart is susceptible to clutter. When I fail to recognize it and bring it all to you; I inexcusably give it to others. Actualize in me a keen awareness of what is taking refuge in my heart so I may rest in your strength to transform the unholy into holy. Remind me that many of these things that unsettle my heart are about me elevating myself and excluding you. It is so easy in my the makings of my days to forget to call on you as my director instead of my default. May your name be the song of my lips so that I readily enact you in times of praise and pandemonium. Thank you for loving me in all my messiness. Amen.
…And The Light Cannot Be Extinguisged
More and more the theme of my days seems to be an abundance of friends who are enduring hard times. Seasons that squeeze the wind out of the sails of souls, and disrupt the dance of beating hearts. Last night I lit a fire, and as I sat praying and gazing at the fire I was drawn to the light. It was as if I was being nudged to come closer and look with further scrutiny. I went and sat on the hearth and was drawn into the sight of the fire. I was so captivated by the bright light that I failed to notice until I got close, that surrounding the beautiful, brilliant flames was a lot of smoke. The smoke, however, did not dim, disturb or diminish the multiple, flickering flames. It occured to me that life is a lot like that fire. Even though we do our best to build things just right and keep our light burning bright, there will always be smoke around. It actually appears that the brighter we burn for Christ the heavier the smoke. One fact for certain, if the fire is burning bright, the smoke cannot disturb its brilliance or perseverance without our permission that in times of chaos has to be guarded everyday. Right to keep your lights burning, friends. You are loved!
One Nation Under God, Not Man
I keep finding myself wondering how we can ever find peace in our world when we cannot find peace in our homeland. In times such as this, harmony is needed, not hate. Those that wish to spread evil are most likely sitting back laughing at Americans consumed with fighting about how to contain them. That is what they want; everyone distracted so they can continue to destroy. People will always have different opinions, but it is possible to differ peacefully in doctrine without perpetually defaulting to dissolution. One nation under God, not man.