Category: Uncategorized
Standing In the Gap
There is someone today who needs you to stand in the gap and hold their weary arms up. Maybe it is through prayer, a phone call or lending a helping hand. Lord focus our eyes to see the needs that are so prolific around us. Give us the grace to be in-touch, interruptible and intentional so we may walk each other home well. Amen.
Embracing Transparency
Embracing transparency frees us from a life of isolation, and the exhaustion of trying to appear like we have it all together. Transparency is contagious and liberating because it gives others permission to be “normal.” We need to walk this beautifully, broken life with each other well. I cannot do that if am not willing to give up my need to manage what people think of me, and to have an appearance of an “altogether” life. We are all only accountable to One. He accepts us just as we are-broken.
The Life Is Not the Last Chapter
I am as inadequate to the world as the world is to me, and when we learn that is as it was designed to be, that is GRACE.
Thankfully this life is not the last chapter. As it is now is not how it will end. For those who have resigned to their insufficiency and submitted to belief in a sufficient God the story ends differently. Our temporary life concludes with an abolishment of pain, suffering, evil, fighting and discontent. These things, the broken things, are all around us and seemingly more prolific every day.
Life isn’t fair, and on the surface of many circumstances God seems an unjust God. That is the treasure of the Bible, however. God’s word warns us of it all, injustices of every kind. Just as we have been apprised of the tragedies of this life so have we been promised a great trust in the next.
The last chapter is ironically the beginning. The beginning of a life free from a world imbued with pain and suffering. We have this great hope, friends. By grace for all those who have believed through faith and not of our own adequacy, (Ephesians 2:8), the crown is ours.
The story has a beautiful ending free of tears and tragedies. The story ends with a new beginning. A beginning that has no ending and cast amidst perfect peace and triumphant joy. Our hope is not here in this frail and fleeting place. For that, we may all rejoice!
At the heart of encouragement is the ability to communicate one’s value, potential and worth. It is the shining of a light into the darkest recesses of a person’s soul where inadequacy and insecurity grow. Encouragement is about affirming all that is worthy in a person, so that from those places they can function from a point of success that is guided by their true north during the fruitful, as well as the frail times.
There is a little talked about person in the Gospel named Barnabas. His name means, son of encouragement. He was very instrumental in the making of the life and ministry of Paul. Although Paul is VERY important, and one of my top three favorites of the Bible, it is the Barnabas types of the world who collectively are overlooked and substantially undervalued.
Behind every great Paul, there is a Barnabas that encourages, supports and fosters affirmation within them. This is what being the body of Christ looks like. We are not all famous, wealthy, sought after…but we each possess an ability within us to be someone’s Barnabas, and that is far more valuable than wealth, fame or any other perceived luxury this world has to offer.
You may not feel as you are a natural encourager, but it is an ability that can be perfected through practice. It is a gift that gives in return, and the dividends are priceless. I encourage you to read about Barnabas. He is very understated, but his gift is not overrated.
The gift of encouragement, it can redefine the course of a defeated day. It can elevate someone from tribulation to triumph. It is one of the most valuable gifts you can give away for free. Encouragement is a one size fits all offering, and it is always exchangeable. May we all give it away freely and abundantly. In a world where what comes around goes around, let it be encouragement! Thank you to all my friends who encourage me. You are far more valuable than anything I could ever own.
Embracing Change

When our familiar becomes foreign, normal becomes new and usual becomes unknown; it feels as if a piece of our life is gone forever, and it is. Lost. It will never be as it was again. It is the dying of a part of us that is so deeply rooted and known that it is painful to imagine how life will look moving forward. It is a challenge to gently and fondly hold, and remember what was so that we may courageously embrace what is.
Overcoming the sting of circumstances we do not wish, nor would we choose does not mean we are happy. It does not mean we are complete, unbroken or perfect. It means we are at peace.
God tends to script our lives in such a way that eventually brings peace to our pain.
Peace does not evolve by chance. One must be available to the works of the Spirit to reap Its fruit. Looking when we do not see, believing when we do not understand, listening when we do not hear, and fighting for it all when we are weary. In the midst of staying faithful, little fountains of gratitude are born in the middle of all our grief. The light of gratitude ultimately overcomes the darkness of grief.
One secret to mastering this mystery is found in the book of Isaiah.
Isaiah 26:3~You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, all whose thoughts are fixed on You.
Embracing every big and little re-direction is part of life. Some are happy, and some are sad. One glorious day, though, everything we knew, and everything we lost will be familiar again. Nothing eternal is lost forever. If you are facing a new normal, God is extending His hand. Don’t lose hope friends!
For all my family, I love you all so much!
Wear Love
Our jobs often become so routine that we become removed. Our schedules are often so unattended that we become unavailable. I am certain I have been guilty of this. I am also certain I have been injured by this. If we are blessed enough to be in positions to influence people’s lives, engage their pain and suffering, and make an impact for the better; may we never become complacent. What may seem common to us, is often very painful to those enduring it. May we never lose sight of empathy and consider every person just as valuable as the next. Logic says invest time and energy in those who are the most qualified. Love says invest in ALL; no qualifications!
But God
Jesus lived to see you. He died to save you. He was resurrected to sustain you. He sees what you are walking through today. He will rescue you from the pit of despair if you take His hand. He will comfort you in order that you may find confidence and joy in Him, not your circumstances. Every time doubt and fear intrude your space today fight back with two words; But God. He is already in the midst.
Christ’s Righteousness Yields Rest
One of the hardest spiritual truths for me to grasp was Christ’s righteousness. It is difficult to understand that sin and grace, inadequate and accepted, grief and gratitude coincide. These truths only became evident when I ceased striving and was set free by a righteousness independent of self-performance and perfection. There is so much life-giving water for worn out souls when we lay down our robes and put on the robe of Christ’s perfect righteousness that is paid for in full.