Daily Prayer


ISIS, Ebola, Enterovirus, missing airliners, mystery stomach bug…Lord each day we wake to new seeds of fear being planted by news outlets, and subsequently spread through social media. These worries and concerns become fertilizers for growth of fear in our concerned and protective hearts. Assist us in finding that healthy space of being informed but not infiltrated, because this world is too heavy for us, but not for you. When we allow information to become infatuation, remind us Father that it is rooted in an unbelief of your sovereignty. You are surprised by nothing, and never caught off guard. Give us the grace to place our world and loved ones in your capable hands, and not our controlling ones. I ask that you continue to gaze upon our country, other countries and all those we love with merciful eyes. May we all be missionaries of peace graced with the message of faith in the midst of so much worldly fear.