Day 12: Providential Redirection



Day 12:

Below is a post I wrote on June 3, 2014. I did not go into specifics at that time, but it had to do with different school plans we had for Carter that at the last minute fell through. I was pretty upset at the unexpected, abrupt redirection of our, (emphasis on the word our), plan for him.

Basically he was accepted to a smaller, private school and we were all set, in our minds. When I went to turn in his acceptance letter which had already been extended, and pay the enrollment fee, I was told he would not be able to go there due to some academic concerns.

I am telling you all this to illustrate a very important point. At times what seems like our great misery, turns out to be God’s mercy. When a door is closed, it is upsetting to us because we only see the bottom step, God sees the whole staircase. In light of what has happened with Carter’s accident, our original school plan would not of worked out. It would of added a lot more weight to my load now if I was having to reconfigure plans after his accident right before school starts.

Romans 8:28 has continuously emerged as a thread of truth over the last 12 days in our family. It holds true again in that circumstance: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Providential redirection is rarely fun, but it is always for our good. Sometimes we understand it in this life, and sometimes we don’t. The times we are fortunate to understand, give us the confidence and faith for the times we may never understand. It is situations like this that have allowed me to learn and know the character of a faithful and loving God who holds our lives in His capable, caring hands. Here is what I wrote on that day when my vision was slight, and God’s was sovereign, as it always is.

June 3, 2014
Yesterday was a rough day, today will be a good day. I was painfully reminded of this verse yesterday: Proverbs 16:9~ In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. As a mom we pray, research, investigate…what is best for our kids, and then we plan for them accordingly. I forgot in my planning, and subsequently “sealing of the deal” in my mind, nothing is ever permanent or guaranteed, (even when you have it in writing), except the will of God. When we hold our plans too tightly in our hands, it can really shake us when those paths are providentially re-directed. A potter works his masterpiece with skilled hands, applying just the right amount of pressure at the right time. If squeezed too hard, the clay begins to twist, or in potters language, torque.The key is knowing just the right amount of pressure to apply and when. If the potter grasps the piece too firmly with both hands and holds on tightly during the perfecting, molding process, it will not turn out as he planned. Life is a lot like that, too. We must hold all our plans loosely in our hands so that God can change, refine and perfect them with his accurate hands, not ours. I forget so easily when I forget I’m not in control.
