Hey fretting friend. Resign from your post today and rest here.
Psalm 119:42~I trust in your word.
What peaceful lives we would lead if we believed this word every moment of ever day. It is easy to apply this to parts of our lives, but other areas like our children, our security, our health and our provisions pose a threat to our faith.
God’s word is not meant to be picked and chosen to fit only our comfort zones.
It is intended to stretch far beyond those seemingly safe spheres and cover every area of occupation. The degree to which we surrender to an unwavering belief in undesirable places, otherwise known as faith, is directionally proportional to our breadth of peace.
Do we believe when it is counterintuitive or just when it is convenient?
It’s ok. Me, too. Life is a series of remembering God’s promises, repenting of our unbelief and returning to His shelter. We are continually under construction, and that is not only ok, but it is also normal!
#selfiesermon #preachingtoself