I have to be honest; there are days I find myself wishing I was not an adult. Today is the perfect example. I have a meeting that I am not looking forward to handling. It is a continuously challenging situation that chides and chisels away at the depth of my joy if I am not attentive to it.
Like many days, I am fighting to choose the beauty of perspective. Perspective is a priceless art. It tells me that if this is the most difficult thing I encounter today, it will still be a pretty good day.
The reality of life is that some days responsibilities are heavy, and difficult situations arise that we have to navigate. I catch myself thinking, how wonderful to be the child again and have an adult handle all the arduous assignments. This morning God tenderly reminded me that I am still the child-His child.
As a believer, we never enter strenuous situations alone, and I am not called to figure it all out, just to rest and receive. Whew is that hard! It seems illogical that rest should be so illusive, but we all know it to be, friends. Maybe like me, you find resolving much easier than resting.
I am very forgetful to remember that I, like you, have a faithful and loving Father, who goes before and with us. He enters into those anxious and scary places as the adult, and we like the child if we allow ourselves to abide in his authority.
I am so thankful for the truth in Exodus 33:14 this morning~ The Lord replies, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” When I can not just read this, but also reap it, my day becomes so much lighter. I shrivel to think where I would be without the soul stabilizers of God’s promises.
Whatever is confronting you today, tomorrow or next week, may you find the grace to concede as a child of God and find peace in His assured provisions.