It Is Finished.

During Holy Week I like to reflect on the ways I have been knowingly or unknowingly living out of the darkness of the crucifixion rather than the light of the resurrection.

It helps me to make a list.

What would be some things on your list? Fear? Guilt? Perfectionism? Control?Comparison? Condemnation? Working hard to earn approval? They are on mine.

A question I have been pondering is, am I living out of Jesus’ work, It Is Finished or mine, I am finishing it?

It is so easy for me to unconsciously live from a position of unbelief that says it is Jesus plus D’Anna’s work. But that is not the gospel.  The gospel is only Jesus. When I remember that, I am lighter, freedom and joy are actualities not abstractions, and my center becomes calibrated not chaotic.

I am prone to wander, though, prone to forget.  The Good Shepherd knows this of me, however, and continues loving me, pursuing me and carrying me back to His flock anyway.

Friend, I do not know what ways crucifixion living has you in bondage, but I know mine. The good news is we do not have to stay stuck there.  The tomb was empty.  There was a resurrection, and it was to ransom, heal, redeem, forgive and secure eternal life for us.

Our Savior’s great sacrifice was a one time deal.  Just before yielding His spirit on the cross Jesus said, “it is finished.” (John 19:30)  Done. Completed.  Past tense.

I have learned it is one thing to understand that truth in my head, and a whole other thing to stand under it with my heart. I pray we are all living in the light of that truth? It is part of our great inheritance.

Resurrection Living


After the crucifixion came the resurrection. After the resurrection, the birth of new hope, life and hearts. It marked the abolishment of fear, worry and death. The resurrection was a provision of grace that made it possible for the sin of all those who believe and repent to be wiped away; setting free any condemnation.

I was just asking myself this morning, do I live more from a place of crucifixion or resurrection? Often fear is a frequent but unwelcome guest. Sin is my shameful shadow and circumstances can hollow my heart of hope. This life can easily lead me down a path of crucifixion living.

Heavenly Father, may I never forget the crucifixion, but enable me to live the promises of the resurrection, not just during the Easter season, but through all seasons. Amen.