In life everything begins and ends, succeeds or succumbs, in the perspective of our thoughts. We can view the minute and the magnificent through the lens of miraculous or mundane. We control very little in this world, but we do have the power to control what and how we think. I have been trying to get a very important picture blown up for over a week now. I only had a small thumbnail because it was taken on Instagram by someone I did not know. After tracking down the photographer, I learned she no longer had the original. I don’t understand all the photography jargon like resolution, pixels, etc….However, every place in town told me I would be lucky to get a clear 5×7 and possibly a blurry 8×10. They all told me my request was impossible! Feeling frustrated and out of options today, I had a little talk with God this morning. I told Him that I was going to remember today that He is bigger than any and every NO from man. After that, I prayed, and then went online and ordered a 20×30 of my tiny picture. Ambitious-right? I have waited all day expectantly to pick the enlargement up. One word-perfect! I am choosing to believe this was a miracle because the picture itself represents the power of prayer and the presence of miracles. Psalm 5:3~Listen to my voice in the morning, LORD. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.