Yesterday I Put Myself Down

1cb4c5290e3e370b1cb822cd5ec03122Yesterday I put myself down.

I put myself down to a friend; a new friend that I had not even known five minutes.  She was kind enough to speak truth back to me.  You see the thing about light is; I am really good at speaking it into other people’s lives but not always my own!

I put myself down yesterday, not even an hour after I wrote these words; ‘To believe we are anything less than His beloved is to deny the work Jesus finished on the cross. I do not want to do that, but I do every day when I feel or say I am not enough.’

Yesterday with my new friend my flawed theology confronted me.  I walked to my car, and my head was hanging.  The mind missiles started to fly to the roar of something like this; “What kind of person tells everyone else to believe they are enough but cannot believe it about herself?”  “You should be ashamed!”  And I was, ashamed.

By the time I got to my car, I knew I had to go to The Lord and repent.  I didn’t need just to repent for what I said, but also for my unbelief.  I am very grateful I put myself down yesterday because The Holy Spirit used the circumstance to convict my heart, and it was a successful conviction.

Many times I have to go through an experience to have a conversion.

It is in the midst of deep exposure that I evolve.  Praise God He does not leave me where I am.  His instruction usually stings, but purpose is always a product of pain if I have the proper perspective.

So, today, as I have been meeting the demands set before me, I have been intentionally practicing my status as a beloved daughter of The King.  I repented there in my car yesterday for my unbelief, now the battle is in the fight to believe and rest in my identity as His.

Thank you, Jesus, for loving a ragamuffin like me!  Where are you not believing you are enough, friends?  Will you ask The Lord to show you if it is not already clear?  Lets fight to believe together!  Proverbs 27:17~ As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.

Just As We Are

When we want to know and love someone, and in return gain their affection, too; we typically clean ourselves up and “put on our best performance” so as to win their approval. It can be exhausting. Ironically the exact opposite holds true in regards to a relationship with Jesus. He knows and loves us just as we are-sinners. We do not have to earn His affection; we only have to accept His approval. The way we begin to know and love Him more is also counterintuitive to the world’s usual relationship paradigm. The more we see the poverty of our hearts, the more we understand that it is not just our actions, but also our thoughts and motives that are sinful, the more we know the depth of God’s great sacrifice for us. It is only in the honest examination of ourselves that a true love of our Savior is born. It is also there where grace covers our grief and freedom is born. May we all find freedom in our authenticity, not our acts. You are loved.

A Heart Matter

The valley of refinement can be an excruciating place, but also an encouraging one for me as I go through “on the job training tests” that tear down old ways for wiser ones. The Lord has been showing me that I can waste a lot of joy, a lot of living and a lot of tears hurt by the words and actions of others. I am not saying harsh words or unkind acts do not pierce hearts; they do! It is how I frame those events that makes the difference. I am a recovering people pleaser. I want everyone to like and be happy with me. Moments when my desire for life to be lavished by the sweetness of petunias, but it stings with shards of pain; my thinking becomes very crucial. I have to practice and practice learning that the hurtful things people do and say are much more about the thorns of their heart than the thoughts knocking to enter my head. When I am quick to make it about me, I am journeying towards the company of self-pity, whose arms are always open and waiting to receive a sensitive, people pleaser like me. Father, sometimes I am the wounded and sometimes the wounder, help me keep careful watch over the growth of my heart so I may be quick to give you my splinters in exchange for the fruit of your Spirit.

Fallen but Forgiven

c0f0a014d0ca6c9b6745b46b89df2196Dear friend, I know you need to hear this today. It is perfectly normal that you are both a masterpiece and a mess simultaneously. You may say, “I do not feel like much of a masterpiece right now, but Oh, you are! See, it is confirmed here in God’s infallible word~Ephesians 2:10~ For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus. Yes, it is true you are a mixed bag. So am I! That is because we live in a fallen world, of fallen people, with fallen laws, fallen morals and a ferocious enemy who wants you to believe fallible ideas about yourself. Not one of us is perfect, but our freedom is not in our perfection; it is in the truth that we are fallen citizens, but forgiven children! You are loved!

I Am Guilty


I am guilty!!!
Isaiah 53:7 ~He was oppressed and treated harshly, yet He never said a word.
Here I am Lord. Make me more like you. May the concern of my heart be you, not me. When I am right with you no one else needs to know, understand or see; yet I turn my back and look to man for validation. I take way too much to the phone before I lay it at your throne. Turn my thoughts to you Father. Because you know and you see, let that be enough to be well with me. Amen.

Good news

There are many things that I do, feel or say that shock me when I honestly look at my heart.  Self-examination would be defeating, were it not for the good news of the Gospel.  The Bible discusses every one of my flaws as a struggle for someone within its chapters.  I am so thankful those things are there!  Without God’s word I would either have to live a shallow life of pretend and denial; or under so much condemnation that anxiety, fear, shame and depression would likely be my best friends.  The gospel is good news!

Keep The Train On The Tracks


Keep the train on the tracks! Yesterday I was having a conversation with a wise, friend. I was seeking advice about an endeavor The Lord has blessed me with this fall. My friend said to me, “if you hear nothing else, hear me say this; you have to keep the train on the tracks.” Now, he was talking about staying on task, but those words have been ringing in my mind since yesterday afternoon. I went to bed hearing them, and I woke up hearing them. It is like a soft, resolute chorus that is on a continuous loop. Here is why friends; this is such a fundamental truth of life. In every part of my life, if I don’t “keep the train on the tracks” I am going to derail. My thoughts are a primary example because they can be like an out of control train headed for collision if I do not correct them quickly. My feelings work the same way. Thoughts are the ancestors of feelings, and I am susceptible to allowing the things I think to get me off track. When I do, it is a sure bet that my feelings are raging closely behind. Being a good mind manager is one of the hardest disciplines because it requires intention and diligence, but it is imperative to my stability. Relationships are also another area that this concept is so important. It is easy for me to let things go until they build up and all of a sudden a molehill has become a mountain. If I am caring for my relationships as I should be, the train should not get too far to the left or the right of the tracks before alarms sound that I need to make some corrections. Otherwise, derailment is inevitable. I could go on with examples because this principal is all encompassing, ranging from my nutrition to my quiet time. My prayer for me and you, friend, is that we remember to keep the train on the tracks whether it be our relationship, words, health or any number of life’s challenges. I am so quick to live my day from the poverty of my flesh instead of the power of my Father. Lord Jesus help us to remember today and every day that when we keep life between the lines of your word, the train will not derail without our permission.

Don’t Give Up

We all have that situation that all hope seems lost. The soundtrack of our mind keeps playing, there is no point anymore; it will never happen or change. Even the people around us lose faith for us, but there is a deep, passionate part within our heart that ultimately cannot let go. An ever present whisper exhorts our weary soul, But God. It is tempting to go underground with this undying desire to avoid standing in shame before others. But God! Only God matters. Psalm 25:3 says~No one who hopes in You will ever be put to shame. Don’t give up, friend. Your hope is in Yahweh, not in man, not in the world and not in yourself. Hope sometimes hurts us, but it also holds and often heals us. You are loved today!❤️

Your Story

I want to tell you this morning friend, that your life is an exquisite story.  I know, there are parts that are broken, messy and maybe even down right dark. You are not an anomaly!  That is a common denominator for all humanity. What you need to know is that your story, the broken parts, are what birth the beautiful parts; and someone desperately needs to know your journey.  Your life is a gift that was created to be shared because it was written by the Author of the universe, and He pens masterful stories about messy people who blossom into majestic professors of hope.  You, every part of you, is purposeful and of remarkable value in the kingdom of God. Believe in the power of the script He has written for you!