Speak Truth and Be Set Free


I can waste so much emotional and physical energy second guessing decisions or hitching myself to what should be instead of finding peace in what is.   I recently read two sentences that have been a great antidote for that.   I speak these two truths to myself many times a day when I get stuck.

They are little proclamations that set me free of myself.   1.) Realize that God means for you to be where you are. 2.) Do not put a question mark where God has already put a period.   May you find peace here today friends.

You Complete Me

Courage Part Two


the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.

Heavily hearted, I sat at my desk attempting to type words of support for a first time, expecting mama. Her rejoicing had collided with a reality no parent wants to hear. Still innocently nestled in her womb, her tiny one is facing circumstances aching for miracles.

Seemingly hollow words besieged me, as I typed. I sensed the inadequacy of my message in proportion to her pain. I hit send with a lump in my throat and an ache in my heart. She promptly responded; my heart blessed beyond measure by the fortitude of her faith.

As I read her message, dressed in bravery, it occurred to me that trials are often the display windows through which we view God’s character modeled by His people. I have many times witnessed the process of grief unleashing the grace of God in piercing places. Here it presented again, and as it often happens, I ended up the one being blessed by her witness.

It is only when we live with the God of the Universe as our true north that we can endure the pain of this word with such conviction. Her words: “Our upmost prayer is that her little life, no matter how long or short will glorify the Lord. He is already using her, and we pray that He continues to do so.” That is COURAGE, friends!  ‪#‎PrayForAnnieRuth‬



Still young in her years; a beautiful mind but bruised body from fighting the cancer she has wrestled far too long.   Without adequate explanation, something was undeniably prompting me to ask her the difficult question.   Maybe I needed to know she was okay?   I suppose I was searching for an ounce of self-comfort, too.   Not expecting such brave, candor, I leaned into my fear and asked,   “Are you afraid?” “You mean to die, she asked?”   “Yes,” I replied with an awkward hesitancy.   “Not anymore.   “I had a dream not too long ago and God told me everything was going to be alright.   I have not been afraid since then.”   I am ready to go.   I cannot do much in this body anymore.   I can do a lot more good as an angel than I can down here.”

She could have understandably complained. Her circumstances are grueling, but she demonstrated to me that God’s grace is sufficient even in the most sorrowful places.
And that friends, is Courage worthy of being honored!

I Am With You Always…


When I was a child, I was afraid of the dark. I would go to bed paralyzed with fear. Only two things comforted me, a light so I could see through the darkness and the presence of someone I trusted to take care of me. Without those two securities, my situation was hopeless. I did not rest, and my mind became a battlefield generating fear faceted thoughts that terrified me relentlessly.

I am not that child that is afraid of the dark anymore, but I am still that child who is prone to fear and needs light, and the presence of someone else who I trust and know will take care of me. I have both in One, and so do you.

The situation you are facing today; the one that is terrifying you; it does not have to control you. The One you keep company with controls all things. He conquers, commands and contains all things. At times when you feel abandoned by Him, perhaps you forgot to turn the light on. Psalm 119:105 tells us God’s word is light. ~Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. Once you have light, it is easier to mind your mind so that you may take captive every fraudulent thought and rest in what is promised you.

You are not doomed to your darkness today unless you choose to be. Pay attention to what and Who you are paying attention to. Ask for the grace to focus on your Savior, not your situation. It can be a challenge. I know, friends.

Father give peace to your children who are surrounded by darkness today. Carve a cleft of protection for them to seek shelter in as you did for Moses. Give them full assurance of your presence and protection. Gratify them with your glory today, Father. Amen.


A Happy Ending


Young and beautiful, she struggled through the door of a conference room I was sitting in yesterday; walking with great effort and the assistance of a cane. I knew she had a story. We all do. I could not help but wonder what her’s was. “Does this story have a happy ending,” she asked? “I just have to know before we get started.”

What a picture she represented to me. I, a daughter of the King, struggle and limp through life often needing assistance to be steadied. All along asking my Father, does my story and that story and those stories, do they have happy endings? And I imagine my loving God smiling as he says to me, all my stories have happy endings, my child. You may relax and enjoy the journey. Rest in this truth today friends. If you know Jesus as your Savior, your story has a happy ending, too. If it is not happy, it is not the ending.

Vertical Vision


When I have an issue, I do not have time for or do not want to address, I ignore it as if it will go away.  That senseless strategy only works for a limited time.

My vision is the perfect example.  I have glasses for distance that I have used intermittently for several years.  Now I require the aid of readers for smaller, up close print.  I know I need bifocals, but it has been easier to neglect that fact than to address it.

Yesterday I happened to have my readers on when I pulled out my iPhone to look at a text message.  I have the 6 Plus, so the screen and font are bigger, but when I viewed my phone with the advantage of my readers, it was like a whole new world opened up before me.  A crisp, clear, bright and beautiful world.  I did not realize how bad I had been struggling until that moment when my world was brought into focus.  Wow!  What a difference.

It occurred to me that this is not only representative of vision for daily tasks but also daily living.  When I become overwhelmed, exhausted or distracted, I am vulnerable to neglecting my “gospel glasses” that aid vertical vision.  That is always to my detriment because without them my life becomes blurry, unfocused, and I struggle to make sense of things.  Possibilities appear small, and my insufficiencies great.

Why would I want to navigate life with an obscured perspective?  There is a whole new world, a whole new life available when I see things through a lens focused on biblical truths.  To live life out of focus is to miss out on so much beauty and clarity that is available to me.

I am grateful for the reminder that played out before me yesterday.  Perspective makes all the difference.  May we not forget to put on our glasses every day, friends.

Matthew 6:22-23~ Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is good, your whole body is filled with light.  But when your eye is bad, your whole body is filled with darkness. And if the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is!

One God, One People


I am a color,  but my color does not define me.

I am born of a race,  but I become who I choose to be.

God created me equal to all man so please respectfully acknowledge me.

I have a heart that beats just like yours.  It sins and loves no matter what my ethnicity.

History holds a wealth of bondage from scars inflicted by ancestors,  you and me.

The future does not have to reflect our wounds.  The choice is for God’s people, no matter color, race, religion or gender to spread and live in harmony.

There are good and bad of every kind.  Exclusive to no one;  not yours or mine.

My birth branded me with many labels,  but please don’t use them to judge me.  I only wish to be known as the person who desires to reflect God in how I live,  love and chose to be.

Kindness knows no boundaries in available hearts.  It is immune to the prejudice or color, race or gender.  It respects all, the receiver, and the lender.

We are all one.  May our eyes be blind to any differences and our hearts be open to every kind.  For it is in seeing, knowing and loving,  many treasures we find.

Standing In the Fog


My family said see you soon to my dad last week as he took his spot in his eternal home. His departure was brutal, and it was beautiful. There was a cd player gently playing; I’ll Fly Away, sung by George Jones. My mom was at his side rubbing his arm and singing the song. I behind her had just opened my Bible, as my son sat at the foot of Poppy’s bed. Then in the most peaceful posture, his breathing stopped, and he flew away.

I have been trying to wrap my brain around everything that has happened. The processing has been slow. When someone asks, “How are you?” It is difficult to explain. I am in a fog. That may sound like a vague answer, but it is my most accurate explanation. I don’t know how I got there, and I don’t know when I will walk out, but this morning, this occurred to me:

At some point after the storm, you realize that perhaps the fog you are standing in is God’s gentle protection to prevent all the pain from pressing in at once. Gratitude is born even in the fog because we remember His tender mercies weather every season we endure.