Growing in grace means everyday fragments of me are dying. Parts of my heart, soul and deeply lodged pieces of me are dying only to be resurrected and made new.
The Lord pursues me with great persistence dressed in a patient countenance. My current area of refinement has been a long process. It is still ongoing. I am having to ask The Father for the obedience to surrender that part of me that is clinging on for life with a stubborn determination born of the sinful flesh that dwells within me.
Forgiveness. It is brutal, and it is a painful death when the scars run deep over a broad span of time. As I am struggling and wrestling with the Lord through this process, he was so kind to remind me; D’Anna, the first act of forgiveness was brutal. It was bloody, and there was a literal death. (Matthew 27:32-55). To deny anyone forgiveness is not to understand what my Son did for you on that day that secured your eternal victory.
When someone wounds you consistently for years, it is like death by a million paper cuts. Each cut chiseling away at your self-esteem, your confidence and strength. I became a passive victim shackled by fear. I convinced myself I was the crazy one. I tried to fight back, but could not overcome. By the grace of God through some tough circumstances, I was freed from that dynamic of dysfunction.
I have worked for the last six years to overcome the effects, and it has been hard work, but great counselors and friends have prayed, talked and walked with me through this, and it has made all the difference. Above all, though, it has been Jesus. He has chased me with an unrelenting faithfulness. His love has astounded me. He is so sweet to me, and I deserve none of it, but He lavishes me anyway.
Now, I have been brought to a time such as this where He is calling me to an act of obedience that I do not want to go through. It scares me. I have fallen on my face and prayed as Jesus did, Lord, if this cup may be taken from me, let it be; yet not as I will but as you will. (Matthew 26:39)
It is not often that we have full clarity for handling life’s situations. However, I have it in regards to this one. My lack of compliance would be to deny the greatest gift I have ever received. Forgiveness, when there is no repentance or acknowledgment of wrongdoing, is hard because it is so incredibly costly for me, but Jesus’ death shows me that is right because He sacrificed the ultimate for me. Therefore, I can do it for Him.
Each time I tell Jesus how unequipped I am for this job, he whispers to me, my grace is sufficient for you. My power is made perfect in weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9) That is how I will do this. I trust His grace will be sufficient for me when I cannot assimilate the courage or desire myself.
Forgiveness without repentance is a dying of self out a desire to obey My Savior, not the sinner. It means I understand the debt that was paid for me while I was and still am a sinner, too. It does not always mean we are in a relationship again. It does not mean that person/persons will be allowed access to break personal boundaries and bash my psyche. It means a freeing from the toxic control of my mind from another. In the coming days as I prepare for this, I continue to trust that the Lord will strengthen me and uphold me with his victorious right hand. (Isaiah 41:10) My heart is willing, but my flesh is weak. (Matthew 26:41)
Is there someone you need to forgive today? I know it is hard, but it is holy. If I can do this by God’s grace, you can, too. We do not have to be staring at bars to be imprisoned. I desire to be set free, and I pray for your release, also.