I cannot imagine a more pathetic job than digging up dirt to smear people. I cannot imagine a more pleasurable job than discovering the good to spread about people. Lord may I always look for the admirable and not the amiss, because not one of us is all good nor all bad. Romans 14:19~ So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.
Tag: hearts
A New Year an Old You?
Indeed, it is the second day of 2016, and it seems as if everyone is talking about a new year, new you, new goals and even new happiness. But you, you are lugging old crosses right across the old and into the “new” calendar. There is illness still present that is old, not so new. There are prodigal children and missing loved ones still pricking the old pain and seeming to prevent the new picture. If only our hearts had zippers, so they didn’t have to be ripped out maybe the pain would be less, just maybe.
You cannot seem to shed the trials and a new year just feels like the continuation of past troubles. Nothing new, nothing better, nothing changed, just the same struggles sabotaging your progress.
You look at others who seem to have it all, not a care in the world, and you feel discouraged. Comparison is a free invitation for the thief to come in and send you further into distress. Pain is not prejudiced but we forget that, feeling like only a few of the unlucky get chosen.
Friend, if you try and make one change in 2016, let it be your thinking. Our thoughts are responsible for the stability of our souls.
We are only as healthy as how we think about our most challenging circumstance.
You may be lugging chronic challenges into a new year, but with significant obstacles come eternal opportunities to nurture a refined you. It is not a date on a calendar that steers us in a fresh direction. It is the desire of our hearts for a Savior that is the only one who can make all things new. (Revelation 21:5) Do not look at dates and set deadlines for out with the old and in with the new. Our plans are perishable, but the will of the Lord stands forever.
There is nothing wrong with setting goals, but if it is our responsibility alone to obtain these objectives, we are creating a set up for disappointment.
We must hold our ideas with free hands, not firm hearts.
We are only as strong as our understanding of our dependence on a Savior outside of ourselves, our doctors, our pastors, counselors, self-help books and the list goes on. If we are placing our hope in where instead of Who we will remain in a vortex of despair.
You will prosper from your pain. If not now, someday soon. If we do not believe that, (Romans 8:28), life becomes void of hope. Hope is a beautiful burden. Why not focus on the beautiful? Isaiah 40:31 ~ but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
You are loved friend.
Let It Be You, Jesus
Jesus let it be your heart not headlines that capture us. Some days discouragement seems the easier option. Remind us you are in the business of deliverance despite destruction. Your mercy and grace reach the biggest of mess ups, the deepest of deceptions and the grandest of griefs. I ask you to encourage us in our brokenness today, Father. Amen.
Dancing in the Darkness

It was one week ago today that we said see you later pop to my dad. This is what was on my heart that day.
Today we honor my dad; not his finalization, but his freedom. The last twelve days have been a tornado of emotions. Last Saturday, the day my dad truly became alive, we were gathered at his side. There had been inadequate time for me to open my Bible the five preceding days. That day seemed as if it would be the same, little time.
Then, a lull happened and everything was quiet. In hindsight, it was a unique calm, as if not of this world. One of those special moments we rarely recognize until they are written, gone from our grasp, but forever etched in our hearts.
Soft music was playing, and my mom was at my dad’s side. I sat down behind her and opened my Bible. The verse I landed on was Isaiah 45:3 ~ And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness–secret riches. I will do this so you may know that I am the LORD, the one who calls you by name.
It was when I was reflecting briefly on this verse that my dad took Jesus’s hand. I have gone back daily since last Saturday to that same verse. In reflection, I realized it has been the truth of my travels here. These twelve days have been excruciating, and they have been extraordinary.
I know many of you are enduring dark seasons right now, too. Sometimes they become so oppressive that our eyes, ears, hearts, and minds become clouded by the dust swirling around us. When I view this world horizontally, it becomes too much to bear. When my perspective is eternal, I find gratitude even in grievous places.
God has a way of depositing hidden treasures deep in our discouragement.
It is in the dim places that the growth laden, secret riches from God’s hand become undeniably accentuated. I was not forsaken this week, and neither was anyone in my family. We have been given some heavy and layered loads, but they were not void of the promise in Isaiah 43:5. Time and time again the Lord has revealed himself. We do not drift in disillusionment alone. When Jesus is our choreographer, it is possible for our souls to dance even in darkness.
He pads our paths with priceless pearls of peace that bring grace to our grief. We must be watchful to see.
One of my biggest challenges is to abide freely in what is, rather than to shackle myself to what should be. I cannot imagine that we are that different. I pray this for us today, friends:
Father hold our hearts to a standard of hope within the haze of pervasive pain. Let us speak the truth when we tremble. Unite our hands in faith when we fear. Focus our eyes in the realm of the eternal and not the earthly. Equip us to trust where You have us, not where we think we should be. Believing in You is the inviting part, trusting You with the devastations of our lives is the intentional part. You know this of us, God. Give us fountains of gratitude in our grief and grace for our journeys. I praise you for knowing and loving us intimately enough to call us all by name. Thank you for your enduring faithfulness. Amen.