I have to be honest even when honesty feels scary. Today I feel an incongruence in my heart about celebrating our freedom. The tone of our world right now feels more about imprisonment and fear than independence and freedom.
Are we free? We are burning one another’s churches. Are we free when we are judging and persecuting one another’s sin with a blindness to our own? Our young women and children are being sold into slavery and Americans are committing unthinkable crimes against Americans. Are we free?
I saw an add this morning that said, “freedom is never given, it is won. Many brave men and women have sacrificed immensely, some everything, to keep us safe. They are true heroes, and I will never forget their loyalty, courage, and dedication.
From a different perspective, though, if we are followers of Jesus, the story reads a little different. Our freedom was both won and given. If I look at our world, I often become discouraged and angry. This world feeds us a lot more fear than freedom. Only Jesus gives us the freedom from that fear.
Today more than ever, it is crucial that we fix our eyes on Him. Today more than ever it is vital that we base our hope and our future on our providential creator, not our presidential candidate. Our power, our protection, our purpose and our plan does not come from anything or anyone authentic to this world, but the Author of this world. We must ask Him to use us as vessels of his peace and His purpose. All of us individually must decide to get out in this world and make a difference. We cannot afford to wait for someone else to do it.
We must put idol aside to pursue intentional.
I don’t think our presence in this world is to lead people to delight, but disturbance colored in shades of hope and kindness.
Until we are confused, we will always be content.
There are a lot of good people doing a lot of good in this world. Today I pray we highlight more of the good that is pervasively present than the evil that is persistently pursuing. Darkness can take many things away from us, but not our choices. An inactive light cannot be seen. We must shine our lights! Let’s celebrate the freedom to pursue purposeful paths today.