Be a Self-Hugger Not Hater

Good morning,friend! How you think today will dictate how you feel! Don’t feed on the lies of shame, feats on the love of your Savior. Reject the deceit of guilt and rest in the donation of grace. Train your thoughts to be huggers not haters. You are loved!

Fallen but Forgiven

c0f0a014d0ca6c9b6745b46b89df2196Dear friend, I know you need to hear this today. It is perfectly normal that you are both a masterpiece and a mess simultaneously. You may say, “I do not feel like much of a masterpiece right now, but Oh, you are! See, it is confirmed here in God’s infallible word~Ephesians 2:10~ For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus. Yes, it is true you are a mixed bag. So am I! That is because we live in a fallen world, of fallen people, with fallen laws, fallen morals and a ferocious enemy who wants you to believe fallible ideas about yourself. Not one of us is perfect, but our freedom is not in our perfection; it is in the truth that we are fallen citizens, but forgiven children! You are loved!

You Are Enough

You are not pretty enough, skinny enough, good enough, fun enough or organized enough. You are not a good mother, father, provider, cook, leader, friend or person.  You cannot compete with everyone around you.  You will never measure up, have enough or be enough.  These are all LIES friend.  Lies that an opportunistic enemy likes to plant in our minds when we are not on guard and insulated every morning by the word of God.  If you did not have time to read this morning, let me remind you of a few of the beautiful things God says about you.  You are mine.  You are fearfully and wonderfully made.  I have your name inscribed on the palm of my hand. I call you friend.  You are my heir.  You have been set free.  In repentance, you find rest and I will remember the trespasses no more.  You are righteous, redeemed and set free by the grace of Jesus.  Nothing you can do will take away my love for you.  I loved you enough to sacrifice my son.  I have chosen you. You are complete in me.  And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing.  Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.  Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. ~Philippians 4:8.  You are loved and adored on you best and even more on your worst day, so do not despair, precious friend.

Which One Will You Choose


The world says be successful.  God says be still.

The world subsidizes an exhausting race.  God supplies eternal rest.

The world says climb up the ladder.  God says climb under my yoke.

The evil in our world produces panic.  God promises peace.

The world shames us with standards.  God shelters us with sufficiency.

Through the world, we seek approval.  Through God, we are shielded by acceptance.

The world whines we are entitled.  God whispers He is enough.

In this world, we will experience pain.  It is only through God that our pain will encounter purpose.

In this life, there will always be laughter, and there will always be tears.  We will struggle through hours of hardship and savor times of triumph.  In the end, all that matters is, did we choose the lies of the world or the love of God.

May we never forget, God created the world.   We must never let the world create God.