A leader of a prominent world religion said these last three words before dying; strive without ceasing. Jesus said these last three words just before dying, it is finished. One says work, one says rest. One says earn it, one says it was earned for you. One says it’s up to you, one says it was up to me. One says keep working to be enough, one says you are enough. One has a central concept that translates, incapable of satisfying. One’s central theme says I satisfied it all on your behalf so you are free to do good out of love not law.
Tag: love
Growing in grace is finding joy at the juncture of what is and what we desire to be. Contentment builds her home there.
Friend, what person, plan or situation do you need to surrender to God’s sovereignty today? We are all Picassos, painting pictures in our minds of the way it should be, our way, our dreams. When we cling to our perfectly polished plans, we leave no room for God’s purpose to define our lives.
Perhaps we spend so much time longing for our coveted desires that we cannot enjoy our current destinations.
Our desires are not wrong, but our demands are. May we lay down our brushes and clear our canvases so that we can hang our hope on faith rather than fiction.
1 Corinthians 7:17~ And don’t be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God’s place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there. (The Message)
You are loved!❤️
Finding Feet to Wash

We recently studied the Gospel of John in my New Testament class. A particular point really stuck with me from that lesson. In John 13, Jesus washes His disciples feet. Our teacher reminded us Jesus came with a towel, not a sword. He came to save, not judge.
So often I start my day armed with my sword and prone to judge rather than seeking to “save.” If I am being honest, defending myself or my people is my natural response, but it is more about gratifying my flesh than glorifying my Father. I long to do the latter.
I have to ask daily, Father, help me lay down my sword and pick up my towel so I may scan my surroundings for “feet to wash” instead of feuds to win.
Today, I am praying for you, too. Where do you need to lay down your sword and pick up a towel? A towel, although seemingly much inferior to a sword, accomplishes so much more. You are loved!
Accept and Love
Perhaps one of the most painful places to live is the place of being misunderstood. No two people live their lives alike. Accept people for who they are, not who you want them to be. Love people where they are not where you want them to be. Each person’s life is their choice and responsibility. When we make it ours, the outcome is resentment and ruination.
We could all assume the best about each other.
We could all believe that people’s intentions are meant for good based on their scope of knowledge.
we could all respect and treat people the way we wish to be respected and treated.
we could focus more on our commonalities than our differences.
we could celebrate life for what it is instead of what it is not.
we could all focus on what needs improving in ourselves instead of others.
maybe we could be beacons of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control in a dark world.
I, if you, if we…
what an impact on this world we might see!
Be A Brave, Beautiful Story
The most impactful stories are not the ones People tell, but the ones they live. We are all storytellers every day. Today I pray our stories tell of unity, humility, peace, trust, faith, hope, light, and love. Someone needs you to be an agent of calm, not chaos, kindness, not criticism and tolerance not taunting. Turn your lights on today and narrate a brave, beautiful story! You are loved!
One Nation Under God, Not a Woman or Man
Let there be peace in our great land and let it begin with me. Let love ignite every heart and shine for all to see. Let there be one race, with no divisive mutiny. May we all respect the multitude of opinions with quiet dignity. Let us pray for our country in committed unity. No eye has seen; no ear has heard the breadth of His love for you and me. We are all called to one thing, love one another as our God loves you, me and our neighbor, Republican, and Democrat, all three. Let the violence end, hatred cease, and peace and harmony reign free. I pledge allegiance to one nation under God, not a woman or man, and it is in He where my security will stand. Please, Father calm restless, weary souls and whisper in our ears until it flows from our heart’s, let there be peace and love on earth and let it begin with me. Amen.
Diamonds Not Dirt
When we are secure in who we are and where our true identity resides, in Christ, hate, blame and complaining subside. We are then free to build-up, motivate, encourage, compliment and accept the beliefs of others that are contrary to our own without anger, resentment or protest. We are visual people. Of all the looking around we do, be one who looks for “diamonds,” not dirt. I am always a work in progress. You are loved.
You Do Not Have to Be Perfect Today
Good morning, friend. You do not have to be perfect today. You are only called to be who God has created you to be in each circumstance He places you. Sometimes that looks messy and sometimes manageable. It may look like wrestling and it may look like rest, but always fighting to honor the hope we have in the One who sees, knows and loves you just as much at your worst as He does your best. You are loved!
Why Lord, Why?
Time and again I ask the Lord, why Lord, why? In his gentleness, he answers, because my child, I love you, and I know you do not understand, but I do.
We do not have to figure it all out, friends. Steady scrutinizing lends unstable souls; while restful residence under the shady sovereignty of God brings a peaceful silence to our searching hearts. Because He knows, we do not have to. Because He loves us, we can trust as children that He is holding our best securely in His sacred hands.
If you find yourself searching for answers today, dear one, remember Deuteronomy 29:29~ The Lord our God has secrets known to no one. We are not accountable for them. And when you feel the uneasiness of uncertainty knocking at your door, invite in the assuring promise The Lord has given us in Jeremiah 29:11~ For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
You are loved.