The little girl took the bread and, crumb by crumb started eating it. I said to her, “Eat, eat the bread. You are hungry.” And the little one looked at me and said, “I am afraid. When the bread is finished, I will be hungry again.” (A story from the life of Mother Teresa).
This story not only pulls at my heart but rips it apart. Sadly, though, when I minimize God and maximize fear, I am living in poverty just like the afraid little girl. Fear tells us we cannot trust God for His provisions to be enough.
You do not have to be homeless and hungry to be impoverished.
When we do not feel secure, we live a small, static existence. God invites us to enjoy a free and bold way of living with Him because He alone is the grantor of our daily bread.
In what ways are you diminishing your life because you are afraid? The decision to grab the hand of freedom and live, love, leap, and lead is not a singular event, but one we sometimes have to make daily. May I encourage you today to trade in your trepidation for trust and see where it takes you?
Father, I repent of all the ways I reduce my life as a means of managing my welfare. I quickly forget that control does not equal comfort. When I put myself in charge of daily bread, it is a recipe for an exhausted, empty heart. Redirect me to surrender my unbelief back to You, my permanent Provider.