Now it Springs Up

These tulips were not there two days ago.  As I pulled into my driveway this morning, they were the first thing I noticed.  I was quick to see it is symbolic of why God is doing in my life; new growth, new things, and that only He is capable of taking situations that appear barren and hopeless, and quickly make them new.  Find hope in empty places, friends.  He is able!  Isaiah 43:18-19 sprung into my mind as I saw this new evidence of life this morning. ~ Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing.  Now it springs up.  Do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.  So many things in our world look hopeless, but only if we depend on people or things of this world to revive them.

Resurrection Living


After the crucifixion came the resurrection. After the resurrection, the birth of new hope, life and hearts. It marked the abolishment of fear, worry and death. The resurrection was a provision of grace that made it possible for the sin of all those who believe and repent to be wiped away; setting free any condemnation.

I was just asking myself this morning, do I live more from a place of crucifixion or resurrection? Often fear is a frequent but unwelcome guest. Sin is my shameful shadow and circumstances can hollow my heart of hope. This life can easily lead me down a path of crucifixion living.

Heavenly Father, may I never forget the crucifixion, but enable me to live the promises of the resurrection, not just during the Easter season, but through all seasons. Amen.