The Emphasis is Not I, But I Am

When I am in a state of spiritual amnesia, which can happen all too quickly, I can get myself wound up over making pending decisions or managing looming outcomes. God has impressed upon me lately to take notes on myself; notes about how I talk to myself and about myself. What is my “self-talk?” Journaling my thoughts and talk has been a VERY helpful thing to do for a vast variety of reasons. Themes emerge that bear paying attention. One line I catch myself saying is some variation of, “What am I going to do; or, I just do not know what to do?” The first red flag in these functionally atheistic statements is the emphasis of I. I am just not that powerful, and that is easy to forget. Making decisions can be hard, especially when they are quilted closely to the treasures of our hearts. I often have to remember that I am not in this alone. I have a Savior who is sovereign and does not get it wrong–EVER. In the midst of our hard predicaments, however, this chart below is the perfect depiction of how to go about making spiritual sound decisions. I know many of you are facing difficult choices in your life. If you aren’t now, you will be soon. I pray you find this helpful, friend! This is the day The Lord has made, and you are loved this day, and all days.


God Is Looking For Endurance, Not Eloquence

108196178-2I just don’t know what to do.

That really difficult situation that is ripping you apart, you don’t have to figure it out, friend.  The decision is not your responsibility, but The Lord’s.  Talk to Him.  Don’t worry about how you sound.  There are no style points for perfect prayers with The God.  A simple yet powerful calling of His name, Jesus, Father, Lord, Abba, how dear those words must be to His heart to hear His children calling His name.  He hears you.  He knows the posture and the passions of your heart.  God does not require eloquence, He recognizes endurance.  Ask Him to clearly show you what path to take.  He will answer. The answer may be scary, but once you walk in the shadow of His light, you will find an unexplainable peace insulating your heart.
Psalm 29:11~The Lord gives his people strength. The Lord blesses them with peace.

The Secret Is Christ In Me

fullsizeoutput_57e7Good morning weary friend.  I know the road you are traveling feels lonely, exhausting and at times unbearable.  Sometimes you are so ready for peace and it feels like God is not answering your plea for help.  This week The Lord has been reminding me that often I am more disappointed and disillusioned by the failure of my arrangements than His answers. He is answering, but probably not within the parameters of the controlled, nice, tidy box I frame those answers in.  His plans are so much higher than we can imagine, and silence does not mean absence, but very often action. It is in the reticence of our trials that the resurrection is awakening.  Just remember, not to put that outcome in a box; God does not fit there.  Keep looking up.  Take the next right step and remain faithful.  I love this quote and hope it encourages you this morning:
The secret is Christ in me, not me in a different set of circumstances.
Elisabeth Elliot, Keep a Quiet Heart
You are loved!

Give Me Grace

Jesus when loved ones are struggling, relationships are shaky, people are ailing, help me resist the desire to fix what is.  May I remember that scrambling for solutions can become a form of control and unbelief.  Keep me cognizant that it takes more courage and faith to release my most precious treasures to You, free of my clinging hands.  Allow me to care without control, hold without hovering and support without suffocating all people and situations I encounter today and each day forward.  Jesus grant me the grace that enables me to rest not carefree, but confidently in your sovereignty amidst the backdrop of a broken world.  Amen.

I Am A Sinner

It is not until I fully grasp the depth of my sin that I can be forgiving of the sins of others, and I tend to forget and need reminding of that. Forgiveness in some cases does not look like best friends or even a relationship, but it is the freeing of our hearts from the bondage of resentment, ill-will, revenge and all their destructive relatives. Do I do this perfectly? No, but I am seeking progress, not perfection.

I prayed A LOT leading up to last night’s debate. To be honest, there were moments I wanted to throw something at the television. However, those moments were less than the first debate, and this is why. My sins though they look different, at the root, they are the same. I have lied. I have been a hypocrite. I have said things I would not want other people to hear. I make mistakes every day. You might say, but you are not running for President, (and praise God for that!). Even if we had two different candidates to choose from, not one of them would be justified in picking up, much less cast a stone; and neither am I!

It is so easy for me to become a Pharisee by traveling this road, “well, at least I haven’t done what he/she has done.” That is the slogan for self-righteousness at its best, and I have been there. Jesus said, “I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent.” Luke 5:32.

My prayer is that we can all lay down our stones and turn our prosecution into prayers. Unless The Lord acts in a mighty way, and He may, one of these two candidates will become the next president. We need to be accepting of that and fight in those difficult moments to remember that God will still be on the throne on election night.

Yes, both DJT and HC are very imperfect, but so am I. They are both sinners, but so am I. Here is the good news for me, and I hope for them and you, there is no sin too big that the grace of God does not cover in a heart in which He dwells.

Also, we can take ourselves off duty right now because we are not the judge of the state of one’s heart today, tomorrow or ever.

As our pastor told us if you cannot vote for a candidate, vote for a platform; the one that most aligns with your views. I am praying for our country, and you are all loved by me!

The Party of Our Master, Not Man

91c77a914217e717aaa373c5cda62d1aWe can choose to fuel the loud, petty noise of the world or we can commit to fold our hands in prayer for the faith of Abraham, the convictions of Daniel, the courage of David, the peace of James, and the joy of a father whose prodigal son has returned home. Circumstances either reveal or re-make us.

Father in such a time of chaos, hypocrisy, untruths and high emotions, let us put aside the fruition of our agendas and embrace being one over being offended. May we respect the opinion of each of our brothers and sisters while realizing that we can choose the need to be right or respectable.

Entitlement is fueling anger and tensions among our people. May we put off the lie that we deserve, (fill in the blank), and put on an attitude of, what can I do for you rather than what you should be doing for me.

May all the anger, unrest, and dissension be eased with our remembrance that you are on the throne every day. You take no vacations, and you do not rest. You are at work even when we cannot see or understand the commotion swirling around us. Please let us be motivated to encourage and engage one another peacefully.

Above all, Jesus, we represent your party and your platform. May we remember the virtues and characteristics of your master vision for America, not man’s. Amen.

I Am Guilty


I am guilty!!!
Isaiah 53:7 ~He was oppressed and treated harshly, yet He never said a word.
Here I am Lord. Make me more like you. May the concern of my heart be you, not me. When I am right with you no one else needs to know, understand or see; yet I turn my back and look to man for validation. I take way too much to the phone before I lay it at your throne. Turn my thoughts to you Father. Because you know and you see, let that be enough to be well with me. Amen.

Keep The Train On The Tracks


Keep the train on the tracks! Yesterday I was having a conversation with a wise, friend. I was seeking advice about an endeavor The Lord has blessed me with this fall. My friend said to me, “if you hear nothing else, hear me say this; you have to keep the train on the tracks.” Now, he was talking about staying on task, but those words have been ringing in my mind since yesterday afternoon. I went to bed hearing them, and I woke up hearing them. It is like a soft, resolute chorus that is on a continuous loop. Here is why friends; this is such a fundamental truth of life. In every part of my life, if I don’t “keep the train on the tracks” I am going to derail. My thoughts are a primary example because they can be like an out of control train headed for collision if I do not correct them quickly. My feelings work the same way. Thoughts are the ancestors of feelings, and I am susceptible to allowing the things I think to get me off track. When I do, it is a sure bet that my feelings are raging closely behind. Being a good mind manager is one of the hardest disciplines because it requires intention and diligence, but it is imperative to my stability. Relationships are also another area that this concept is so important. It is easy for me to let things go until they build up and all of a sudden a molehill has become a mountain. If I am caring for my relationships as I should be, the train should not get too far to the left or the right of the tracks before alarms sound that I need to make some corrections. Otherwise, derailment is inevitable. I could go on with examples because this principal is all encompassing, ranging from my nutrition to my quiet time. My prayer for me and you, friend, is that we remember to keep the train on the tracks whether it be our relationship, words, health or any number of life’s challenges. I am so quick to live my day from the poverty of my flesh instead of the power of my Father. Lord Jesus help us to remember today and every day that when we keep life between the lines of your word, the train will not derail without our permission.

A Place That Makes Your Heart Sing


The Holy Spirit reminded me again yesterday; the second time in a few months, that too often I get lost living for the completion of my schedule instead of the care of my soul.  The difference in the two is one of panic versus peace, calm versus chaos and rush versus rest. As I am practicing this myself, my prayer for you today, friend, is that you may take some time to LIVE, not from a planner but from a place; a place that makes your heart sing.  You are loved.

Daily Prayer


Lord Jesus, today help me be more concerned with being kind than being correct.  Give me the grace to live in the shade of eternity rather than the shadow of entitlement.  May the priority of my heart be mankind before me.  Keep me from falling into the trap of judgement.  Remind me that all dress in sin, and although mine may look different than my neighbors,  I am just as guilty!  May all reading this find refuge from the flesh in repentance and rest instead of shame and self condemnation.  Lastly, Lord embolden me to be less anxious about disturbing others with truth, myself included, than offending you with tolerance.  Amen.