Father, sometimes the end of a week meets me worn. Your gentle Spirit woke me at 3:30 this morning as you sometimes do. Wide awake and atypically alert, I asked because I knew you had a message for me. That message was; my battles belong to the Lord. How easily in my flawed self-reliance I forget to release those battles from my modest hands into your masterful ones. Remind me God that it is not my capabilities, but yours, that determine outcomes. As the battles are yours, so are the victories and the seeming defeats. Sometimes in my myopic vision I feel conquered. Gift me with remembrance that I am never overcome when I allow you to battle on my behalf. In all the strife I face, that my friends face, give us the grace to resist self-security and rest in Savior sufficiency. Too often in my urgency to resolve I engage from a stance of me against Goliath. I am more than ill-equipped God. Give me an unshakeable confidence in you that enables me to lay down my weary weapons and surrender my battles to you. Amen
Tag: prayer
Jesus Holds Our Little Lambs
Yesterday was a difficult day for me as a mom. Some days our hardest job is remembering that God does not get it wrong-ever! In no circumstance is this a harder fight than circumstances involving our children. My son suffered a traumatic brain injury last July. His cognitive recovery has been a struggle. School is a struggle. Life is a struggle.
His neuropsychologist and case manager spoke with me about considering placing him on a life skills tract as opposed to a diploma/college track at school. He is in the ninth grade. The doctor said his cognitive scores place him within the category of a life skills track. These were very tough words to digest. I tried to put my best armor on and let the words bounce off of me, but the tears were tougher, and they won out.
The emotions are still raw from that tragic day. I think they always will be. A sight, a sound, a smell, a memory; they can all trigger a rush of emotion that no amount of effort can contain. My son is forever changed. I am forever changed. Our family is forever changed. This is not all ominous news. Change chiseled from crisis forges character, perseverance, deeper faith and so much more. The fruits born out of frustration are often some of the sweetest.
My son is not a victim, and I refuse to be either. Once we take on that role we put limitations on ourselves. We also maximize our sufficiency and minimize the soverignty of our Savior. I am sad that the circumstances are as they are. I hurt, I ache and at times I worry about the future. In all my fleshly responses, a voice keeps echoing in my head, BUT GOD. That is my life preserver friends! Test scores are indicators, but they are not dictators. Doctor’s opinions are assessments, but they are not absolutes. I much prefer the infallible provisions of My Provider to the fallible predictions of man.
I don’t know at this time what our decision about our sons’ school track will be. I am not ready to make that decision, nor am I ready to confine him to the limitations of a label. Labels we put on things are typically stickers. Over time, they are prone to fall off. I choose not to rely on labels, I prefer to rest in the hope of providential plans.
Yesterday I heard this quote from my friend, Julie Sparkman, of Restore Ministries. During the third session of her bible study series, Unhitching From the Crazy Train, she said, “Getting under the yoke with Jesus does not give you a different life; it gives you a different way of doing life.” Those words spoke so poignantly to my heart.
No matter what obstacles you or I are confronting today friends, our hope does not rest in the what of our struggle. It resides in the Who of our surrender. That is great news! This truth is a rest for our weary souls. Will you fight to reside here with me? Jesus holds our little lambs.
The Sights and Sounds of Rest
I open my eyes and it’s 8:00 AM. I squint a little harder, surely I must not see right? I walk out onto the balcony, life giving reading material and breakfast in hand. As I sit trying to read, nature keeps stealing my attention. There is a gentle, but commanding breeze that is stirring up a chorus among the trees. Their leaves swish and sway in a harmony that beacons a deep exhale.There is a lizard with a bright blue tail gingerly exploring the deck. The water is calm and flowing like silk. The air is cool and feels fresh and crisp as it dances around me. There are birds chirping, signaling the start of a new day. They chirp and pause, chirp and pause as if they are in deep, connected conversation.
These are the sights and sounds of rest. These are the sights and sounds of peace, telling me it’s time to unplug and step off of the treadmill of the daily grind, and rest. It seems like such an easy invitation, so why is it so hard? It feels so natural yet so incongruent. It’s inviting and it’s awkward at the same time. It’s seemingly effortless but it takes focused intention.
Why? Why is that four letter, little word, rest, so hard? For me, I don’t live in that place near as much as I would like to, yet it is what we were created for. Rest in our minds; rest in our hearts and rest in our realities. Some realities are hard to rest in, and in those spaces I find myself fighting, fighting to make life work. Fighting to see the expectations I have created come to be, rather than be shattered before my eyes. Fighting to understand the realities of those that don’t seem fair and surely don’t make sense. It’s here I have to remind myself that expectations are the thieves of souls, as much as trying to understand HE who I am only called to know and trust, not comprehend.
So as the trees are singing a song of rest, and the harmony and chorus of nature is beckoning me, I hear a faint summons in my soul, asking me to lay it down. Lay it all down, and rest. As I listen to that calming voice, I am reminded of one of my favorite verses that always provokes a deep breath and a sense of calm within me: For now we see only a reflection in a mirror, then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part, then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.~1 Corinthians 13:12. I am fully known, and I am fully loved-that is rest!
A Prayer for Taming the Tongue
I have been reading James the last few mornings, and pondering the power of the tongue. It is the strongest muscle we possess, capable of delivering life or death in a matter of moments.
My prayer today:
Father, divorcing love from truth is to engage cruelty. Divorcing truth from love is to enable a charade. Your word teaches love and truth are meant to be united, always. This is the only way to speak to the core of truth without wounding the core of a person. When days get busy, to-do lists get long and chaos ensues, Father I have a tendency to not be a good steward of my tongue. When I hold in frustration too long or don’t address matters promptly, the pressure builds just waiting for the prime moment to explode, leaving words of hot, burning ash to fall on someone I love. Never do I want this, Father. Give me the wisdom and patience to hold my tongue until my heart and soul are settled not seething. Jesus, give me the grace to tame my tongue, always using it to build people up, never to break them down. Then in the moments when I fail, and you already know this of me, I will, prick my heart towards prompt repentance that is the precursor for grace lending rest. Amen.
Running After Dirty Water
About a year ago we added a puppy to our family. She has brought a lot of joy to our home. There have been some ups and downs as there always are with a puppy, but more and more I notice the positives.
Yes, she is a dog, but she is also a teacher. It is amazing how God can transplant His presence and instruction into any person, place, thing or situation. Like a chameleon, God’s truths adapt to all surroundings. As we become familiar with Him, we develop a keen eye and acute ear for His presence, and the areas where He is convicting our hearts.
I see valuable lessons in the life of our puppy every day. By the way, her name is Paisley, which means, the church. It only fits that she would bear a name that is indicative of a place where people go to learn, grow and feel loved.
Loved. Is that not the deepest inclination of so many hearts? Few people this side of the garden know a more pure, rich form of unadulterated and genuine love than that of a dog. If only I were half as good most days as I am every day in Paisley’s eyes. If I loved like her, always unconditional, cheerful and consistent, how my joy would multiply. She is an example of how to love and be loved with no hesitation, terms or conditions. She is an example of how Jesus loves us!
Many people have reported this kind of organic love and loyalty of dogs. Although it is a highly important lesson, and one I am thankful she reminds me of daily, God has revealed much more to me through Paisley.
There is an area on our sidewalk that forms a corner. Dirt and rainwater collect there, making it a well of dirty water. This dirty water has become an alluring temptation for Paisley. She has fresh, clean, life sustaining water available to her all day. Her water bowl sits in the same place, and it never moves. Invariably Paisley will scratch the door to go out in order to run for a drink of the dirty water.
Yesterday in my frustration of her repetitive, wrong and potentially hazardous behavior, I went out to stand guard over the murky water. As I was walking towards her with her head down drinking, a teaching moment transpired in my head. I am a lot like Paisley! I have a Savior, who is always present and immoveable. He provides an abundance of fresh, living water to me every day. I know that. I know where the living water is and Who it comes from, but how many times in my flesh born tendency do I opt for dirty water?
I am running after dirty water every time my eyes, ears, heart, and mind become attracted to the idols of this world. I run after dirty water each time I try and maneuver my plans into alignment with my wishes, not the will of my Father. I am drinking dirty water when I worry or plan excessively, which in reality is control indigenous to unbelief. I am resorting to dirty water when I lose my patience with my children, husband or someone who thwarts my purpose, or threatens my misplaced righteousness. I am running to dirty water when I forget prayer as my first line of defense and look for solutions inherent of the world. I am running after dirty water when I look to anesthetize a desire in anything outside of Jesus.
There are so many instances I run after dirty water. It is comforting to me that Jesus is not surprised by this. Nor is He disappointed in me. His well of nourishing water is always available, and it rests under an umbrella for sinners like me who need to run back and find a refreshing drink in the shade of His amazing grace.
Whose water are you drinking; that drawn from the soil or that flowing from The Savior? It is never too late to switch sources. This verse in Isaiah is equivalent to a cool, cleansing drink of regenerative water.
Isaiah 30:15
This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says:
“In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength.”
Father, forgive us all the times we run for dirty water. You know this is our sinful inclination. You also know our hearts true desire is to grow in obedience to You. When we squander our focus, gently redirect our gaze back to you, the only source that will adequately quench our thirst. May we find rest in your patience and grace. Amen.
Prayerful Plea
As a newborn baby cries out for their every need of thirst, hunger, pain… We, too, must cry out to our Father, and He will quench, feed and soothe us in our distress. Father, help us to ask you today to meet us in all the areas we are bleeding. Hold the hurting, pacify the painful and bless us in all our brokenness. Thank you for the incarnation that branded your compassion and empathy into the toil of our fallen world. Thank you for the resurrection that affirmed our admittance into a beautiful eternity. Amen.
Wait Expectantly

In life everything begins and ends, succeeds or succumbs, in the perspective of our thoughts. We can view the minute and the magnificent through the lens of miraculous or mundane. We control very little in this world, but we do have the power to control what and how we think. I have been trying to get a very important picture blown up for over a week now. I only had a small thumbnail because it was taken on Instagram by someone I did not know. After tracking down the photographer, I learned she no longer had the original. I don’t understand all the photography jargon like resolution, pixels, etc….However, every place in town told me I would be lucky to get a clear 5×7 and possibly a blurry 8×10. They all told me my request was impossible! Feeling frustrated and out of options today, I had a little talk with God this morning. I told Him that I was going to remember today that He is bigger than any and every NO from man. After that, I prayed, and then went online and ordered a 20×30 of my tiny picture. Ambitious-right? I have waited all day expectantly to pick the enlargement up. One word-perfect! I am choosing to believe this was a miracle because the picture itself represents the power of prayer and the presence of miracles. Psalm 5:3~Listen to my voice in the morning, LORD. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.
Exhortation for the Exhausted Today
Exhortation for the exhausted today:
Pain, fear, worry and sadness are not the absence of a faithful heart. They are the evidence of an alive soul. Faith is not built by the abolishment of feelings but authored amidst the presence of much pain where the determination to choose to trust in the plans of our Savior, not our situation, persevere.
Let There Be Peace
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. Let there be love from every heart that shines for all to see. Let there be one race, with no divisive mutiny. May we all respect the multitude of opinions with humble dignity. Let us pray for our country in a committed unity. No eye has seen; no ear has heard the breadth of His love for you and me. We are all called to one thing, love one another as our God loves you, me and our neighbor-all three. Let the violence end, hatred cease, and peace and harmony be. Please, Father calm restless, weary souls and whisper in their ears until the it flows from their heart’s, let there be peace and love on earth and let it begin with me. Amen.
Prayer for Rest and Relationship
Father at times our world can be a symphony of noise. Many are the notes vying for our time and attention. Limited opportunities for rest leave us with insufficient avenues for hearing you. Without that spiritual space we are like singers who cannot hear their notes, lost, ineffective and out of tune. Let us not be attracted to keeping up with the pace of this world, but rather the peace of a relationship with you. When our hearts become distracted by inorganic things, prompt us that ultimately our thirst can only be quenched by things indigenous to You. Enable us with an awareness that the ache in our souls cannot be satiated by anything or anyone of this world. Countless times we buy into lies. Lies that tell us, if I could just have…I would be happy. We believe it Father and so we chase after things that were never meant to satiate our souls. All the ways we try to anesthetize that ache with possessions, friends, relationships and so much more lead us down fruitless paths void of fulfillment. When we forget, remind us that the only antidote for that soul ache is resting in the shadows of the cross that points us vertically to the one place where we will ache no more. Amen.