Large trees in snowy climates are designed to drop their branches when the weight of falling snow gets too heavy for them to bear. It is like a dance planned by a Director that is out of the trees control. The Choreographer knows exactly when the branches need to release pressure so they don’t break. Our tears are a lot like that, also. They are not on our timetable, and that can be both frustrating and sometimes awkward. Like the beautiful tree branches, though, we were designed by God in such a way to let go of building burdens so we may bend but not break. Isn’t it amazing that our Father was so attentive to every little detail, even the timing of our tears? He crafts exactly when they will fall so He will be there to capture them all. He is holding you amidst your burdens today, friends. He is the Creator and the Caretaker of every last tear. Rest in His arms today. You are loved.❤️
Tag: pressure
Lavishly Loved

Thursday night my daughter, Macey sent me a text long after I had gone to bed She was burning the midnight oil, bogged down in studies. I silence my phone at night so it was atypical that I heard the soft vibration of that text, but I definitely think providential. She said, “please pray for me.” Then she referenced a presentation she had to give today that would be strictly graded. No swaying, rocking, umm, likes, pauses were allowed or they would result in point deductions.
The first thought that came to my mind was, what awful pressure to be perfect, and how miserable that sounds. Then a thought delicately but definitively rang through my head that was this, “my acceptance comes with no qualifications. Mistakes are not only allowed, they are expected.” I had a huge sigh of relief and gratitude filled my heart there in the darkness as I was praising Jesus that He has no grading pen.
He makes no deductions. His love is not about performance or perfection; but a desirous heart that longs to please Him despite our “mess ups.” Today, I pray that you join me in living lavishly loved because in Him, we are!