Be the Church


I just read a news report about a Houston father, husband and police officer that was gunned down while pumping gas into his patrol car.  More violence against our people from our people.  The division is disheartening.

In the article, the District Attorney was exhorting people to drop qualifiers and recognize that ALL lives matter.  While I agree with her 100 percent, this is not a strong enough argument to change or stop the violence.  People don’t need to be convinced; they need to be converted.  Only light can extinguish darkness.  Jesus is light.

All lives matter is a slogan.  Jesus is a Savior.  Slogans may change headlines, but they will not change hearts.  

I fear Christians are becoming too quiet and thus being drowned out by the noise of the world.  Being the church is more important than being at church.  All lives do matter, but changing lives masters more.  Let us not be divided by our color; let us be defined by our character!  Rise!  Be the church.

One God, One People


I am a color,  but my color does not define me.

I am born of a race,  but I become who I choose to be.

God created me equal to all man so please respectfully acknowledge me.

I have a heart that beats just like yours.  It sins and loves no matter what my ethnicity.

History holds a wealth of bondage from scars inflicted by ancestors,  you and me.

The future does not have to reflect our wounds.  The choice is for God’s people, no matter color, race, religion or gender to spread and live in harmony.

There are good and bad of every kind.  Exclusive to no one;  not yours or mine.

My birth branded me with many labels,  but please don’t use them to judge me.  I only wish to be known as the person who desires to reflect God in how I live,  love and chose to be.

Kindness knows no boundaries in available hearts.  It is immune to the prejudice or color, race or gender.  It respects all, the receiver, and the lender.

We are all one.  May our eyes be blind to any differences and our hearts be open to every kind.  For it is in seeing, knowing and loving,  many treasures we find.

It is Character Not Color


“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”~Martin Luther King Jr.

I am a color, but my color does not define me.

I am born of a race, but I become who I choose to be.

God created me equal to all man so, please respectfully acknowledge me.

I have a heart that beats just like yours. It sins and loves no matter what my ethnicity.

History holds a wealth of bondage from scars inflicted by ancestors, you and me.

The future does not have to reflect our wounds. The choice is for God’s people, no matter color, race, religion or gender to spread and live in harmony.

There are good and bad of every kind; exclusive to no one-not yours or mine.

My birth branded me with many labels, but please do not use them to judge me. I only wish to be known as a person who desires to reflect God’s character and equality.

Kindness knows no boundaries in available hearts. It is immune to the prejudice of color, race or gender. It respects all; the receiver and the lender.

We are all one. May our eyes be blind to any differences, and our hearts be open to every kind. For it is in seeing, knowing and loving, many treasures we find.~D’Anna

May we all be the light that extinguishes the darkness, friends! Thank you Martin Luther King Jr. for you valuable contribution to this world. It was not the quantity of your life, but the quality that made all the difference!