At The Foot of The Cross

Every day I must wake up and remember who I am in Christ- loved, accepted, redeemed, worthy and righteous. When I forget or mistake my identity, and I often do, I spend my day resolving, grasping, controlling and exhausting myself trying to secure that which is already mine, procured by the sacrifice of my Savior not the striving of myself. Jesus did die for my sins and yours, but He also forfeited everything to impart His perfect record to us. I can work so hard attempting to achieve that which I only need to surrender and receive. Friend, this week I am praying for the grace to leave our debts, failures, and insufficiencies nailed to the cross where they have been rectified. There is a shady spot waiting for us at the foot of the cross.

Jesus did die for my sins and yours, but He also forfeited everything to impart His perfect record to us. I can work so hard attempting to achieve that which I only need to surrender and receive. Friend, this week I am praying for the grace to leave our debts, failures, and insufficiencies nailed to the cross where they have been rectified. There is a shady spot waiting for us at the foot of the cross.

There is a shady spot waiting for us at the foot of the cross.

You are loved!♥️

You Are Enough

You are not pretty enough, skinny enough, good enough, fun enough or organized enough. You are not a good mother, father, provider, cook, leader, friend or person.  You cannot compete with everyone around you.  You will never measure up, have enough or be enough.  These are all LIES friend.  Lies that an opportunistic enemy likes to plant in our minds when we are not on guard and insulated every morning by the word of God.  If you did not have time to read this morning, let me remind you of a few of the beautiful things God says about you.  You are mine.  You are fearfully and wonderfully made.  I have your name inscribed on the palm of my hand. I call you friend.  You are my heir.  You have been set free.  In repentance, you find rest and I will remember the trespasses no more.  You are righteous, redeemed and set free by the grace of Jesus.  Nothing you can do will take away my love for you.  I loved you enough to sacrifice my son.  I have chosen you. You are complete in me.  And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing.  Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.  Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. ~Philippians 4:8.  You are loved and adored on you best and even more on your worst day, so do not despair, precious friend.