You are not behind schedule, friend. I was having an honest conversation with a wise friend this morning who reminded me at least twice that I am not behind schedule in my areas of growth. We can be pretty hard on ourselves, and sometimes taking honest looks at where we are is necessary. I want you to hear today, however, that you can trust in God’s sovereign and perfect timing for all things, including right where you are. You are loved!
Tag: soverignty
Temporarily Stalled Stories

Seemingly open doors that fold on seasons of prayer are difficult. Sometimes it feels like we are marching to the beat of a stagnant song forever in waiting.
I am so grateful to be at a place in my life where I can confidently rejoice in the folding of opportunities because I know that each canceled plan is leading me closer to the perfect time and place engraved in the palm of my Savior’s hand.
What are you waiting for today, friend? Pauses hold great purpose in The Painter’s picture.
Futility and faith do not dance in The Teacher’s plan.
Hold on to the hope that you are being honed for a time that is perfect and predestined by a Soverign God who wants your temporarily stalled story to be used for His glory.
Give Me Grace
Jesus when loved ones are struggling, relationships are shaky, people are ailing, help me resist the desire to fix what is. May I remember that scrambling for solutions can become a form of control and unbelief. Keep me cognizant that it takes more courage and faith to release my most precious treasures to You, free of my clinging hands. Allow me to care without control, hold without hovering and support without suffocating all people and situations I encounter today and each day forward. Jesus grant me the grace that enables me to rest not carefree, but confidently in your sovereignty amidst the backdrop of a broken world. Amen.