Temporarily Stalled Stories

Seemingly open doors that fold on seasons of prayer are difficult. Sometimes it feels like we are marching to the beat of a stagnant song forever in waiting.

I am so grateful to be at a place in my life where I can confidently rejoice in the folding of opportunities because I know that each canceled plan is leading me closer to the perfect time and place engraved in the palm of my Savior’s hand.

What are you waiting for today, friend? Pauses hold great purpose in The Painter’s picture.

Futility and faith do not dance in The Teacher’s plan. 

Hold on to the hope that you are being honed for a time that is perfect and predestined by a Soverign God who wants your temporarily stalled story to be used for His glory.

Your Story

I want to tell you this morning friend, that your life is an exquisite story.  I know, there are parts that are broken, messy and maybe even down right dark. You are not an anomaly!  That is a common denominator for all humanity. What you need to know is that your story, the broken parts, are what birth the beautiful parts; and someone desperately needs to know your journey.  Your life is a gift that was created to be shared because it was written by the Author of the universe, and He pens masterful stories about messy people who blossom into majestic professors of hope.  You, every part of you, is purposeful and of remarkable value in the kingdom of God. Believe in the power of the script He has written for you!

A Happy Ending


Young and beautiful, she struggled through the door of a conference room I was sitting in yesterday; walking with great effort and the assistance of a cane. I knew she had a story. We all do. I could not help but wonder what her’s was. “Does this story have a happy ending,” she asked? “I just have to know before we get started.”

What a picture she represented to me. I, a daughter of the King, struggle and limp through life often needing assistance to be steadied. All along asking my Father, does my story and that story and those stories, do they have happy endings? And I imagine my loving God smiling as he says to me, all my stories have happy endings, my child. You may relax and enjoy the journey. Rest in this truth today friends. If you know Jesus as your Savior, your story has a happy ending, too. If it is not happy, it is not the ending.

Share Your Story


People are like books. Our lives tell a story. Everyone has chapters of triumph and tragedy, grief and gratitude, success and struggle. All of our stories depict beauty and brokenness. Those parts of our story-the broken ones- are usually the most poignant. Embrace them. Search for the meaning and the message nestled within them. Share them. Our triumph over tribulation is for our growth and God’s glory.