Faith,Not Feats

3eec0d24125490b3a8f2123ff53708b0I am not good enough. I will never be good enough. I could never be a Christian because I can not get my act together to qualify. If you ever find yourself thinking these thoughts, you are right about all except the last one. You, NOR I will never be adequate, but Jesus was enough on our behalf. Being good enough is not and never was up to us. WE are perfectly acceptable and accepted as we are because He was and is sufficient, and He completed us by imparting His righteousness to us as a gift that we receive by believing. We are justified by faith, not feats. I hope you rest easy tonight knowing you are enough, friend! You are loved!

It Is As It Should Be

bc132f69f397d9a249d001d500cf39f4Be careful not to spend time wishing you were somewhere else, someone else, or something else, that you forget to live as yourself. It is so easy to compare every part of ourselves, but that only leaves us feeling inadequate. If we truly believe God does not make mistakes, then we must believe that everything about us, and every situation surrounding us, is as it should be. Ships don’t sink because of the water around them; they go under because of the water that gets inside them. Guard your hearts and minds, friends. Nothing about you or your circumstances was a mistake. You are a masterpiece in the making and the circumstances surrounding you are advancing the Artist’s work! You are loved.