Standing In The Storm

To be alive is to know pain and heartache. Life gives us many trials, and often they are more significant than our mind and bodies can endure. If we spend too much time looking at the storms, we will drown. We do have to acknowledge them, and sometimes even stand in the very vortex of them, but we do not have to be swallowed up by them. We can choose to fix our attention on something higher.

As an ice skater must set her sight on an unchanging, reliable point when she is spinning to maintain stability; we too must set our eyes on a never-changing rock that anchors us amidst the battering waves of life’s adversity. It is where we fix our gaze that is the determining factor for our level of peace.

Sometimes if we are honest, there can be comfort in the storms, and we find it much easier to reside there.

Impostures thrive in darkness.

We must fight to keep our eyes locked on The Light. Fight for eternal not earthly sight, friends.

Our vision shapes our perspective and our perspective, our thoughts. It is so crucial that we are good managers of our minds, for as the mind regards, the man responds.

For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever. ~2 Corinthians 4:18

This hope is a secure and trustworthy anchor for our souls. ~ Hebrews 6:19

Be a Self-Hugger Not Hater

Good morning,friend! How you think today will dictate how you feel! Don’t feed on the lies of shame, feats on the love of your Savior. Reject the deceit of guilt and rest in the donation of grace. Train your thoughts to be huggers not haters. You are loved!

A Heart Matter

The valley of refinement can be an excruciating place, but also an encouraging one for me as I go through “on the job training tests” that tear down old ways for wiser ones. The Lord has been showing me that I can waste a lot of joy, a lot of living and a lot of tears hurt by the words and actions of others. I am not saying harsh words or unkind acts do not pierce hearts; they do! It is how I frame those events that makes the difference. I am a recovering people pleaser. I want everyone to like and be happy with me. Moments when my desire for life to be lavished by the sweetness of petunias, but it stings with shards of pain; my thinking becomes very crucial. I have to practice and practice learning that the hurtful things people do and say are much more about the thorns of their heart than the thoughts knocking to enter my head. When I am quick to make it about me, I am journeying towards the company of self-pity, whose arms are always open and waiting to receive a sensitive, people pleaser like me. Father, sometimes I am the wounded and sometimes the wounder, help me keep careful watch over the growth of my heart so I may be quick to give you my splinters in exchange for the fruit of your Spirit.

I Am Guilty


I am guilty!!!
Isaiah 53:7 ~He was oppressed and treated harshly, yet He never said a word.
Here I am Lord. Make me more like you. May the concern of my heart be you, not me. When I am right with you no one else needs to know, understand or see; yet I turn my back and look to man for validation. I take way too much to the phone before I lay it at your throne. Turn my thoughts to you Father. Because you know and you see, let that be enough to be well with me. Amen.

Keep The Train On The Tracks


Keep the train on the tracks! Yesterday I was having a conversation with a wise, friend. I was seeking advice about an endeavor The Lord has blessed me with this fall. My friend said to me, “if you hear nothing else, hear me say this; you have to keep the train on the tracks.” Now, he was talking about staying on task, but those words have been ringing in my mind since yesterday afternoon. I went to bed hearing them, and I woke up hearing them. It is like a soft, resolute chorus that is on a continuous loop. Here is why friends; this is such a fundamental truth of life. In every part of my life, if I don’t “keep the train on the tracks” I am going to derail. My thoughts are a primary example because they can be like an out of control train headed for collision if I do not correct them quickly. My feelings work the same way. Thoughts are the ancestors of feelings, and I am susceptible to allowing the things I think to get me off track. When I do, it is a sure bet that my feelings are raging closely behind. Being a good mind manager is one of the hardest disciplines because it requires intention and diligence, but it is imperative to my stability. Relationships are also another area that this concept is so important. It is easy for me to let things go until they build up and all of a sudden a molehill has become a mountain. If I am caring for my relationships as I should be, the train should not get too far to the left or the right of the tracks before alarms sound that I need to make some corrections. Otherwise, derailment is inevitable. I could go on with examples because this principal is all encompassing, ranging from my nutrition to my quiet time. My prayer for me and you, friend, is that we remember to keep the train on the tracks whether it be our relationship, words, health or any number of life’s challenges. I am so quick to live my day from the poverty of my flesh instead of the power of my Father. Lord Jesus help us to remember today and every day that when we keep life between the lines of your word, the train will not derail without our permission.

You Are Enough

You are not pretty enough, skinny enough, good enough, fun enough or organized enough. You are not a good mother, father, provider, cook, leader, friend or person.  You cannot compete with everyone around you.  You will never measure up, have enough or be enough.  These are all LIES friend.  Lies that an opportunistic enemy likes to plant in our minds when we are not on guard and insulated every morning by the word of God.  If you did not have time to read this morning, let me remind you of a few of the beautiful things God says about you.  You are mine.  You are fearfully and wonderfully made.  I have your name inscribed on the palm of my hand. I call you friend.  You are my heir.  You have been set free.  In repentance, you find rest and I will remember the trespasses no more.  You are righteous, redeemed and set free by the grace of Jesus.  Nothing you can do will take away my love for you.  I loved you enough to sacrifice my son.  I have chosen you. You are complete in me.  And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing.  Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.  Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. ~Philippians 4:8.  You are loved and adored on you best and even more on your worst day, so do not despair, precious friend.

Consider Prayer Before Panic


The way we are wired is an indicator of how we react, but it does not have to be a dictator.  Being in touch with our tendencies is very helpful in maintaining stability.

This morning as people are defaulting to our natural fear mode about a “possible” Ebola patient at UAB, why don’t we take a moment and consider prayer before panic.  Pray for the patient, the family and all health care workers involved in this persons care.  So many times our fears never become a reality.

The media feeds fear. Be aware of what is going on to an extent, but fix your thoughts on a God, who is over ALL things, knows ALL things and is faithful through ALL things.  

Whatever situation you are facing today, possible Ebola, a dreaded diagnosis, broken relationships, God is not surprised.  He wrote the story, and He knows how it will end.  Do you trust Him?

The biggest battle we all face is the one in our minds.  Sometimes we become hostages to our thoughts but we are not helpless against them.  Consider prayer before panic in all situations.  It makes all the difference.  I know this because it is a discipline I had to learn, too!

Philippians 4:8 ~And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

His Beloved


Our thoughts are prone prisoners of our feelings.   Pray that your thoughts may be independent of your feelings.   It takes intention, but it is worth the investment.   We cannot change how we feel, but we can control how we think.   Today you may feel inadequate, but you are His Beloved whom He takes delight in.   Let your thoughts rest there today.   This practice will change the landscape of your day.

Wait Expectantly

JH Ranch
JH Ranch

In life everything begins and ends, succeeds or succumbs, in the perspective of our thoughts. We can view the minute and the magnificent through the lens of miraculous or mundane. We control very little in this world, but we do have the power to control what and how we think. I have been trying to get a very important picture blown up for over a week now. I only had a small thumbnail because it was taken on Instagram by someone I did not know. After tracking down the photographer, I learned she no longer had the original. I don’t understand all the photography jargon like resolution, pixels, etc….However, every place in town told me I would be lucky to get a clear 5×7 and possibly a blurry 8×10. They all told me my request was impossible! Feeling frustrated and out of options today, I had a little talk with God this morning. I told Him that I was going to remember today that He is bigger than any and every NO from man. After that, I prayed, and then went online and ordered a 20×30 of my tiny picture. Ambitious-right? I have waited all day expectantly to pick the enlargement up. One word-perfect! I am choosing to believe this was a miracle because the picture itself represents the power of prayer and the presence of miracles. Psalm 5:3~Listen to my voice in the morning, LORD. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.