Remember dear friends as you wake today to the news, the diagnosis, the trial or tragedy; none of it has the power to make us spin without our permission. We alone choose our thoughts and perspectives. That is one thing that may not be taken away. Also, no matter what the circumstances, as Christ followers we have this great hope of a perfect eternity. This world is not our home. As James 4:14 says of our life, so it is true of this world; it is like a morning fog, here today and gone tomorrow. Do not let your hearts be burdened. Keep your eyes fixed on the eternal and your thoughts embedded in the truth. May we all anchor ourselves in the life-giving words of Philippians 4:6-8 today and all the days we occupy this life: Do not worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Lord, let your word not just be the song of our lips, but also the symbol of our lives. Amen.
Tag: tragedies
Rest for the Riddled Today
Hey you, hey me, the thirsty, the desperate, the depleted, the exhausted…those barriers, wounds and struggles in our lives are not present by accident. They are there by assignment. Things that challenge us to our core either create or crush us. They are available for our gain and God’s glory. The difference in destroying us or defining us is our resolve to find the meaning and mission in our messes.
Trials do not always come from God‘s hands, but they come through them. We can rest in that. He has touched every tragedy and challenge before we endured it.
Our tears are sifted by God before they are shed by us. He has held them, and He will heal them in His time and according to His purpose.
The new year is sometimes more of the old, the hard and the worn out. You are not alone. Let your perspective be colored by God’s purpose, not your pain. He is working on our behalf. Believe it, look for it, expect it and never lose hope! We can give rest to our resolving, riddled souls, because one thing is for sure, relief will come through God’s strength, not our striving. It will be in His timing not our tweaking. Father, give us all the grace to REST in your sovereign authority today and all days. When we forget, gently turn us away from our struggles and back to your safe shelter. Amen.