Leave Your Fear At The Door And Bring Facts To The Table

As the petals open up, layer by layer, exposing the center, the more beautiful the rose becomes.
People are like that, too.
As we let the “walls” down, allowing others to see our hearts, the more attractive we become.
It is openness, not obscurity that sets captives free
Psalm 66:16 says, come and listen all you who fear God, and I will tell you all He did for me.
We need to be encouraging one another with our experiences with The Lord and with His word. The beauty of God’s word is how it imprints our hearts and ministers to us in our times of need.
The truth is, whether we are running life as a marathon, renewing and committing ourselves to God daily or running as a sprint under our authority and sufficiency; both are challenging. What the first gives us that the latter does not is perseverance and the ability to reflect the character of our Savior not the chaos of our situations. We can fall in all the pot holes along the race, only to rise, dust ourselves off and keep running.
When we are right with God, the circumstances and conditions of our race do not define us, but they depict Who lives inside of us. I would much rather be eternally equipped for the marathon of life, than dependent on myself or someone other than Jesus, to run this race with me.
When I fail to present myself consistently before The Father, renewing my mind daily, life gets messier than usual.
Are you pacing yourself for the marathon or sprinting towards the next check off the list? I often need to remembered , repent and rest.
When we want to know and love someone, and in return gain their affection, too; we typically clean ourselves up and “put on our best performance” so as to win their approval. It can be exhausting. Ironically the exact opposite holds true in regards to a relationship with Jesus. He knows and loves us just as we are-sinners. We do not have to earn His affection; we only have to accept His approval. The way we begin to know and love Him more is also counterintuitive to the world’s usual relationship paradigm. The more we see the poverty of our hearts, the more we understand that it is not just our actions, but also our thoughts and motives that are sinful, the more we know the depth of God’s great sacrifice for us. It is only in the honest examination of ourselves that a true love of our Savior is born. It is also there where grace covers our grief and freedom is born. May we all find freedom in our authenticity, not our acts. You are loved.
It is out of our bleeding that we are equipped to become blessings. God’s word says that it is in our suffering that we become qualified to be comforters of those who follow the beaten paths we have traveled~2 Corinthians 1:4. No one precisely understands like someone who has worn our shoes. No one relates as one who has followed our journey. We acquire so much healing power along the broken roads we travel.
Trails of brokenness where expectations are shattered, wholeness is lost, and life intersects the realities of a fallen world are the very places we are made into the image of Christ. They are the moments HE becomes real to us. They are the hollow spaces that Jesus becomes a necessity and not a duty, a Savior and not a story book character.
Why do we try to conceal our wounds? In our shame, we dress them up and disguise them, only holding our souls hostage. In reality, they are beautiful stories that are filled with so many opportunities to help others, and in turn, heal us. Our trials are signs that something threatened us, but we overcame. They are painful, but in all their pain lies a power that only we possess to set free. A power to heal and share that healing with a friend. As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.~ Proverbs 27:17.
May we all use our wounds to bless not depress; encourage not discourage; connect not conceal; heal and not hide. We all share a common brokenness in this life. We can let that brokenness be ruled and concealed by toxic shame, or we can choose a different course. Many things can be taken from us in this life, but the power to choose our thoughts belongs to us alone, it just takes intentional discipline and sometimes an outright fight between the enemy that pursues us, and the Spirit that dwells within us.
The choice to choose to use our wounds to heal, free and connect takes courage and a great act of faith, not to mention vulnerability. Scandalous vulnerability is a beautiful thing! It says I am HIS, He has paid my debt, and I am free to be broken because Jesus made me whole. It is in this place of sharing and connecting that we discover we are all more alike than different. We find that we are not an anomaly, we are normal. I pray for the grace to choose faith over fear and scandalous vulnerability over safety. I am not saying it will be easy; it won’t but it will be eternal. What is right is often painful, and what is painless is often not right.
Once I savored the freedom of Christ imparted righteousness, and consequential vulnerability, it was the setting free of a hidden soul. The freedom is yours too friends. You just have to choose it.
You make me brave
You make me brave
You call me out beyond the shore into the waves
You make me brave
You make me brave
No fear can hinder now the promises you made
You make me brave ~Amanda Cook
Last night my son and I had a dinner date. He wanted pizza. Pizza is always the predictable choice for him! Unfortunately, he did not have to twist my arm very hard, especially for Davenport’s Pizza in Mountain Brook.
“Let me drive mom.” Those words still jolt me. I just turned sixteen, or so it feels that way some days.
During our drive, he said to me, “Mom, your car is clean on the outside, but always messy inside.” I did not have much room for dispute, so I just affirmed his observation as subtle shame sunk me a little deeper into my seat.
Later I was thinking about what he said. I saw a picture of life that was worthy of consideration. Like my car, I typically clean myself up on the outside but easily neglect the inside. I cannot hide the external, but I sure can the internal.
I have a lot of “junk” inside. Some out of my control, some in my control. Some deposited by me and some left behind by others. I eventually get around to cleaning out the inside of my car, but I cannot be that nonchalant with my soul. Taking inventory of the inside mess requires daily diligence. When I neglect this process, it is to my detriment as well as those closest to me.
I want to be a congruent person. My desire is that my interior matches my exterior. I cannot withstand shining myself up all the time. That is exhausting and not realistic. Trash can be buried but unless destroyed, it will eventually stink again. I must be attentive to what I am fighting inside while being authentic about what I am flaunting outside.
Jesus addresses this very issue. Luke 11:39~ “I know you Pharisees burnish the surface of your cups and plates, so they sparkle in the sun, but I also know your insides are maggoty with greed and secret evil. (The Message)
Father help me to live a congruent life between what people see and do not see. Give me the grace to dismantle facades and presentations based on social pressures and expectations. Grant me the courage to live free as I am in every moment within the parameters of your spiritual fruits: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Thank you for the ways you pursue my whole heart; even through the observations of my children. You are a faithful God. Amen.
Embracing transparency frees us from a life of isolation, and the exhaustion of trying to appear like we have it all together. Transparency is contagious and liberating because it gives others permission to be “normal.” We need to walk this beautifully, broken life with each other well. I cannot do that if am not willing to give up my need to manage what people think of me, and to have an appearance of an “altogether” life. We are all only accountable to One. He accepts us just as we are-broken.