Leave Your Fear At The Door And Bring Facts To The Table

As the petals open up, layer by layer, exposing the center, the more beautiful the rose becomes.
People are like that, too.
As we let the “walls” down, allowing others to see our hearts, the more attractive we become.
It is openness, not obscurity that sets captives free
It is out of our bleeding that we are equipped to become blessings. God’s word says that it is in our suffering that we become qualified to be comforters of those who follow the beaten paths we have traveled~2 Corinthians 1:4. No one precisely understands like someone who has worn our shoes. No one relates as one who has followed our journey. We acquire so much healing power along the broken roads we travel.
Trails of brokenness where expectations are shattered, wholeness is lost, and life intersects the realities of a fallen world are the very places we are made into the image of Christ. They are the moments HE becomes real to us. They are the hollow spaces that Jesus becomes a necessity and not a duty, a Savior and not a story book character.
Why do we try to conceal our wounds? In our shame, we dress them up and disguise them, only holding our souls hostage. In reality, they are beautiful stories that are filled with so many opportunities to help others, and in turn, heal us. Our trials are signs that something threatened us, but we overcame. They are painful, but in all their pain lies a power that only we possess to set free. A power to heal and share that healing with a friend. As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.~ Proverbs 27:17.
May we all use our wounds to bless not depress; encourage not discourage; connect not conceal; heal and not hide. We all share a common brokenness in this life. We can let that brokenness be ruled and concealed by toxic shame, or we can choose a different course. Many things can be taken from us in this life, but the power to choose our thoughts belongs to us alone, it just takes intentional discipline and sometimes an outright fight between the enemy that pursues us, and the Spirit that dwells within us.
The choice to choose to use our wounds to heal, free and connect takes courage and a great act of faith, not to mention vulnerability. Scandalous vulnerability is a beautiful thing! It says I am HIS, He has paid my debt, and I am free to be broken because Jesus made me whole. It is in this place of sharing and connecting that we discover we are all more alike than different. We find that we are not an anomaly, we are normal. I pray for the grace to choose faith over fear and scandalous vulnerability over safety. I am not saying it will be easy; it won’t but it will be eternal. What is right is often painful, and what is painless is often not right.
Once I savored the freedom of Christ imparted righteousness, and consequential vulnerability, it was the setting free of a hidden soul. The freedom is yours too friends. You just have to choose it.
You make me brave
You make me brave
You call me out beyond the shore into the waves
You make me brave
You make me brave
No fear can hinder now the promises you made
You make me brave ~Amanda Cook
Father our vulnerability is the greatest gift we have to offer each other. Embracing transparency frees us from a life of isolation, and the exhaustion of trying to appear like we have it all together. Transparency is contagious and liberating because it gives us and others permission to be “normal.” Father there are so many ways we try and dress up so we feel acceptable to the world, You and even ourselves. Many are the masks of self-righteousness. Accessorizing with them drains energy we should be using to rest in your perfect righteousness that is already ours. Our lives are just a long walk Home Father. Enable us to walk our beautifully, broken journeys with each other well. Remind us we cannot do that if we are not willing to give up our need to manage what people think of us, and to have the appearance of an “altogether” life. We are all only accountable to You. Let us never forget you accept us just as we are, broken and inadequate, but unconditionally loved and approved. Amen.
Sewn within every great struggle, and branded into every thread of brokenness are immense possibilities. Ministry, connection, growth and healing grant our greatest grievances capabilities to be molded into our most priceless gifts.
So this was asked in a private message sent to me: How can you be so comfortable just putting it all out there?
Well, I thank the friend who messaged me this question. I was going to respond to you individually, but this is actually the third rendition I have received of the same question.
In light of depression and suicide being in the spotlight again, it is a very worthy question, and I do not take any offense to it. The first thing I want to say is, I don’t put it all out there, but I am happy to share with any of you if you would like to have coffee with me.
Secondly, we all have our struggles and challenges: me, you, your neighbor, your counselor, your preacher-everyone! Silencing our struggles only imprisons us in shame and isolation, opening the door for dangerous assailants like fear, anxiety and depression.
Struggle, pain, difficult times are a common thread that connect us all, and hiding our pain was never how Jesus intended us to live. 2 Corinthians 1:4 says…He comforts us in all our affliction so we may comfort others in their time of need. We are to take that which challenges us, and use it to encourage and comfort our brothers and sisters.
I am so thankful for the people in my life who do this for me. They show me Jesus everyday through their words, actions, kindness and love. I could not manage this life without them. Maybe I’m wrong, but I cannot think that you are that different from me. We are all really more alike than different.
Our vulnerability is the greatest gift we have to offer each other. Embracing transparency frees us from a life of isolation, and the exhaustion of trying to appear like we have it all together. Transparency is contagious and liberating because it gives other’s permission to be “normal.”
We need to walk this beautifully, broken life with each other well. I cannot do that if am not willing to give up my need to manage what people think of me, and to have an appearance of an “all together” life. We are all only accountable to One. He accepts us just as we are-broken. This frees me to “just put it all out there,” because nothing you or anyone else thinks about me affects my standing with the only One who matters. He has already sealed my destiny, and I am completely secure under the shelter of his righteousness.
So I guess to answer my friend’s question more briefly; I can risk transparency, because I have nothing to loose, and so much freedom, connection and friendship to gain. Life is so much lighter when we allow our challenges to connect rather than control us.