The Hunger of My Heart

With every week that rises and then retires, I realize that the one before was too short. Time evades my craving for every place I want to go, people I long to visit, books I want to read, quiet time I crave, laughs I want to enjoy, tears I thirst to taste, and memories I wish to create. In a flash, the week resigns, and I remember that time is a precious luxury. I yearn to minimize distractions. I want to live each day looking into the eyes of people, the word of God and the wisdom of books. Genuine intimacy and connection with people and eternal things are where the breath of life lives. Authenticity is both magnificent and messy, yet it is the hunger of my heart.

The Inherent Word of God

While the grievous news of the world may be watered down, weeded out and written to suit fleshly desires, the good news of the Gospel cannot.  God’s Word comforts me and gives me true hope, but honestly friends; it also disturbs me because I cannot manipulate it to accommodate the sin that so easily entangles me. When I begin to change, rearrange or “modernize” the Gospel, His Word becomes corrupted by my will; and I make God in my image rather than Him making me in His.  If I am not disrupted by The Word of God, then He is not God in my life.