
A leader of a prominent world religion said these last three words before dying; strive without ceasing.  Jesus said these last three words just before dying, it is finished.  One says work, one says rest.  One says earn it, one says it was earned for you.  One says it’s up to you, one says it was up to me.  One says keep working to be enough, one says you are enough.  One has a central concept that translates, incapable of satisfying. One’s central theme says I satisfied it all on your behalf so you are free to do good out of love not law.

Christ’s Righteousness Yields Rest


One of the hardest spiritual truths for me to grasp was Christ’s righteousness. It is difficult to understand that sin and grace, inadequate and accepted, grief and gratitude coincide. These truths only became evident when I ceased striving and was set free by a righteousness independent of self-performance and perfection. There is so much life-giving water for worn out souls when we lay down our robes and put on the robe of Christ’s perfect righteousness that is paid for in full.