Perfect love permits pain. 1 John 4:8 says God is love. God permits pain. No one can estimate the profit of pain until we have journeyed far enough through it to see the distance we or our loved ones have traveled. God being sovereign could stay our suffering, but it would stifle His ultimate purpose. Only Divine love is steadfast and strong enough to allow the angel of adversity to remain until her work is done. Whatever pain you or a loved one are carrying today, rest assured it has an eternal purpose. It is not your job to understand it, just to stand still under it and believe God’s promises that have been given to you.
Father, I confess that the pervasiveness of pain and suffering around me sometimes leads me down resolving roads that maximize me and minimize You. In my flesh, solving feels more productive than being still. Remind us all today that it is in pain we find purpose and in stillness we discover strength. May we rest along the restless roads of life and leave the resolving to You, the true healer of all affliction. Amen.