Sometimes it feels too dangerous to hope. Hope is risky. I have to hold that reality in tension with the truth that God does not have a plan B for my people or me. Standing on the rock of God’s sovereignty, I can dare to believe in the goodness rather than the grief of unseen plans. Sometimes our longings are satisfied, and other times they remain seemingly lost in the deafening silence of waiting.
What is it that you long for; resolution for a circumstance that never changes, a problematic relationship that feels hopeless, the end of an illness that no one sees or understands? Maybe anxiety and depression are sidekicks you cannot shake? All of these things fuel fear and frustration.
Although we have very little control, we do have a choice to believe in the goodness of God or the groans of the world. Hold hope in your hand, friends. Do not let her go.
Faith is a commitment to waking up every day and renewing our resolve to stand firm in the face of shifting situations, fluctuating feelings, and the presence of the eventual but maybe not yet.